That's only in America ... in Europe you'll get all that as stock
That thing will never sell in Europe
Ok now bring a RHD version to the U.K.
Nope definitely sounds like it has about a million cylinders in it , no V8 makes that noise
Now that's real racing puts F1 to shame
A petrol version of that car will never sell in europe
If that man believes he is saving money and you're on-board you really need to get your head checked out if it was a diesel then yes possibly
European cars don't chime when you turn the car on.
Ugh someone who lives in my street bought one, I look in disgust everytime i see it
Awaiting the "Jesus approves this" bumper sticker
They really are unattractive I don't see the big deal
recommended for mentioning the ds3
Where the fuck do you park that thing
They love their Citroen C1s aswell
A family member of mine owns an f430 through sheer hard work and saving up over a number of years and due to him being in his mid 30s he gets pulled all the time and interrogated as to whether he owns it or not, the guy just wants to enjoy the thing.
Those motorweek shorts define cheesy american, the only thing they're missing is a wacky waving inflatable tube man in the background and some cheeseburgers.