
I couldn’t find where the cut off date was so fingers crossed I’m not too late! CW for suicide, harm to animals, and mention of CSA.

I’ve worked in several museums/galleries and most of them have a definite vibe. I’ve had something happen at all of them, besides, oddly enough, the historic house I currently work in and the WW2 era battleship that was supposed to be super haunted I did my internship at. Here are some of my experiences in

A Little Time Travel Trip Down Memory Lane.

When I was a 10 year old girl, I was walking to the bay by myself. It was a normal thing to do at the time (small-town 1990s). One day, a brown van followed me down this long, lonely road. It had tinted windows so I couldn’t see inside, and it kept pulling into the shoulder, then creeping up behind me. Thankfully

This isn’t my own story, but my dad’s - and my dad isn’t a liar. He’s experienced a lot of wild things taking odd jobs out on the road throughout his twenties, but this story happened right in my Indiana hometown when my mom was pregnant with my older sister. We lived in the country, and there was a hairpin turn on

Another one that proves truth is scarier than fiction...

I think one of the creepiest stories I’ve ever heard was from my friend Lisa, about the worst kind of ghost: the ghosts who are all too real. Lisa’s originally from the city of Rostock - a seaport in Germany. It used to be quite the big deal in the old GDR and her family have always had a presence in the shipbuilding

Horror fiction has its place, but this is not it. Good story for somewhere else, though. Maybe try Reddit?

THAT’S ENOUGH INTERNET FOR TODAY. Thanks for the nightmares. 😩

Here’s the underwear story!

“December 1941"

Warning – Domestic Violence

I’ve crossed past with serial killers 3 times in my life. All are horrific and one was even turned into a made for TV movie. Of the three, this story is the most frightening.

When I was 12, I briefly hung out with a group of girls who were more “mature” than I was—which is to say, they liked boys and makeup, and I was more of a play-with-my-American-Girl-dolls type of tween. One summer day we decided to dress up and walk around our town, which was basically an attention-getting exercise.

What My Daughter Saw

Over twenty years ago, my then-boyfriend and I booked a 3 week trip to South Africa. His childhood best friend was marrying a South African girl, and we would fly into Johannesburg to attend their wedding and then rent a car to travel around the country.

Like a lot of people, I've had a shitty year. In that time span, I've lost several former students, childhood friends, former colleagues, my uncle, and, most importantly, my own father. I've literally been thinking about this day for a couple of months because this contest is just about my favorite thing each year,

In the late 90’s we moved into this waterfront property on an island directly across from Seattle. There was an ageing pier at the end of our road, and across from us was a retirement home which used to be a boarding school. The original dormitory building still stood, now abandoned, and next to that was an empty and

There’s somehting really nice about an unknown entity telling you to get a grip.

I have this story because I like true crime podcasts.