
Why limit yourself to one day a year for enjoyable lies?

“McLaren confirmed to the BBC today that the team will use a spare chassis and a new power unit, as both were extensively damaged in the crash.”

And I can barely get 4G on my stupid phone.

I understand what your mean, I just don’t think a new design language equals re-inventing a brand.

Except what’s truly booming are not SUVs, but CUVs. Honda’s best seller, the CR-V, is built on a Civic platform. Yes, it’s a bit taller and heavier - putting it (in terms of interior space - and also in price) right up there with the Accord, a mid-sized car (and what you’d traditionally think of as a family vehicle).

“Tesla has lost its chief spokesman”... at first I thought autoblog.com went under or something.

Wow, a sad day indeed for Sex and the City fans. RIP Sarah Jessica Parker.

I had just assumed Canadian hydrants dispensed maple syrup.

Cadillac never did well with the J.

In a couple of years, I’ll be in the market for a 7-seater SUV. At first didn’t consider the Outlander because I read a lot of bad reviews from auto journalist’s articles maybe because of it’s non spectacular specsheet. Now it’s the first one on my shortlist since I’ve been researching about owners being praising

That’s partly because the general public has no idea that there are car companies that care about safety. Even with Volvo’s new tech-friendly, luxury image, what drew me to the new XC90 was the safety features.

I own a 2014 Outlander, I love the thing for what that’s worth. They really built a great all around vehicle for the price, and the S-AWC has been fantastic.


Can’t wait to see the Lincoln version that will go fight the Encore.

It’s dynamic as fuck, bro

(“Precision Crafted Performance” is used a whole four times in the press release, holy shit.)

Every once in a while, the stars align, NHTSA pulls it’s head out of it’s ass, and they do something that’s actually productive for the auto-industry...

You’re telling me my inner child doesn’t use the word “explodey”?

headline shows that the authors inner child is clearly dead. or had a really crappy child hood. Why do people insist these have to be screenplay of the year nominees. Its transforming GIANT robots blowing shit up. I’m more than happy to pay to go see this and forget about a world outside that is considering voting