I think we should all chip in and buy this property for David Tracy to store his Jeep collection and start a museum.
I think we should all chip in and buy this property for David Tracy to store his Jeep collection and start a museum.
Also no confusing from a tail lamp perspective, as people will just mostly notice a blinking light on the left or right side of the car.
a lack of advertising models has led to the deaths of many other models before (looking at you Chevy SS).
Perhaps sadder is the condition and future for the SS United States. Since it ceased operations in the early 70s. The ship is the largest ocean liner constructed entirely in the United States and the fastest ocean liner to cross the Atlantic in either direction. But since being retired form active use, she has been…
It’s like that, man. One second you’re chilling in a rooftop pool, the next you’re underwater in your Volkswagen.
It’s 2021. Anyone still using homo as a slur is well past the point of being given the benefit of the doubt.
When was the last time a Le Mans winner was relevant to your daily commute?
And don’t say shit like “gone totally homo” like it’s a pejorative, you fucking Neanderthal.
and somehow, people still think flying cars and jet packs for normal people is a good idea.
I understand that completely. This is why I have a massive amount of respect for anyone in the field.
I’ve gone into shock for something not nearly as traumatic (to me at least) but I couldn’t fathom a child in that condition. It gives me the shakes thinking about it.
I’m not going to lie...if I was a first responder in the area for this call, I would likely have attempted to avoid having to attend this scene. This is just brutal, and I feel terrible for the victims and responders.
I disagree with the road trip comments. We have a Chevy Bolt. In our case charging seems to pretty much line up with lunch and dinner stops for us. Admittedly, we’re slower drivers. Still, the timing of the charge means we go have our lunch, and then later dinner. We know we have the time to sit, and we do. That means…
I’ll get it out of the way, Jeepy McJeepface.
Because I love them.
It’s the reflection of the windshield.
2021, off to a good start. Unfortunately, the powers that be will never allow a national healthcare system. Imagine a world in which Americans, instead of being bound to employer insurance premiums, just pay a similar amount in federal tax to cover healthcare. No deductibles, in-network hospital but out-of-network…
Hey Ferrari, I’m available, give me a call.