
So...that means it's quite likely for the I4s+diesel to get over 30.

Keeping it South Korean:

Eye definitely agree.

Holy cow! That really blows!

When we wrote about it a few years ago we didn't exactly "review" it. Sadly, none of us are president and none of us were invited in to drive it. However, we've been able to see it in use and we haven't been impressed. What seemed like a good idea is actually a bad idea.


And yet the new Vette is rated 29 highway with a 460hp V8? Suddenly I'm not so impressed.

I'd agree with you if Chrysler didn't suck to begin with prior to being purchased.

Except that Daimler kills most things it touches. It's a cancer.

Yep. I was more inclined to comment when I wasn't in the grey because it was probably only apt to be seen by whoever I was responding to so I didn't feel as if I was really contributing to the conversation.

Looking forward to how this works out given the opportunity to revisit an old system that, while not perfect, was much beloved.

Bro, but they both say subprime bro

it's over, man! It's over! I move to Pennsylvania in a week.

Tried to make it sound good "we'll move it to 11pm, give our west coast readers more time to participate", while it was actually more like "we'll move it to 11pm so less people notice when we kill it off"

love it! I hand them a calculator... and ask whats 300 x 60.... then they look at me like i'm the asshole.... it's math, not magic.

Which one do you want to hear?

People who refuse to do simple math in order to figure out what type of car they can afford. Example. Hello I'm here to look at an Explorer Sport (45,000+) I would like my payment to be about 300 dollars a month for 60 month term I have no money to put down.

Last year, a customer requested a test drive in a new 3-Series. I was happy to oblige. However, it soon became apparent to me that this wasn't an ordinary test drive. The customer had no interest in following my instructions regarding the test route, brushing me off with comments like "Oh, I want to see how it handles