
No, no, no. Fuck EVERYONE.

I want to drive the stripperiest of stripper GMC models and see how it holds up. But that price is pretty good for the most modern truck in this segment.

I've never had the pleasure so I'm only guessing... Getting hit with a defibrillator is probably not worth the price of a ticket.

How can you drive a Civic and not want to know exactly when V-TEC kicks in, yo?

Just bought a '14 Malibu Eco, and had it for a week now and was able to put around 100 miles on it, and yes the air conditioning does drop when the engine cuts out, and yes you can tell when the engine starts back up. But it is not with the earth-shattering drama that Mr. Baruth makes it out to be, its a f'ing Chevy

SO...when are you running for president?

Then from the looks of it he pocketed the majority of the cash.

Can we start a class action countersuit for everyone that's had to look at it and felt emotional distress?

And most of the drivers probably wouldn't notice...

That's a hull of a ship

Driver's inner monologue: oh man, so many people, got to impress those fuckers. I'm thinking burnout, yeah totally a burnout.


Now buyers have a reason to buy this over a Model S.

Meh, you spend most of the time on the inside anyways.

You know what would be even better though? A new Magnum with that face.


I want to hug Mazda's head of design. This is a gorgeous car.

That snout is very BINI countryman-like.

"But what about a five-year-old waiting just outside a supermarket?"

It's that time of the year you know.