
I have often (very often) seen people leave a dealership thinking they’ve signed all the documents (contract, etc) and the dealer personnel hasn’t signed their side. So the customer leaves, thinking everything is final, the dealer even says it is. However, they get a call (usually 3 days later) and are told there is a

Kind of doesn’t help if on the 31st day, you get sacked with this and the file hasn’t changed since. It’s not a viable, long term, robust backup solution like one with version management. If you want to truly protect your data, store it where there are multiple versions of the same file saved so you have a clean file

DropBox immediately replicates new versions of files when they change. The only issue with this is when it replicates the now, infected file, it overwrites the existing, clean file. Make sure you’re using a backup service/program with version management so you will still have a version of a clean file after an attack.

I wish I could star you a million times for this!

Any ideas what a base Regal TourX will cost? I currently have a Camaro (turbo 4) and honestly, as fun as that car is, I will want something practical again at some point. However, the current crop of GM crossovers just don’t lite my fire. What does is the TourX (after I remove all the cladding). I really like the look

Would you look at that! Miracles do happen!

Potentially unpopular opinion: I like it. I think it’s edgy yet attractive. Well proportioned. Interior looks to be of good quality. So, yeah, I will check it out at the Geneva Auto show. In pictures. Because plane tickets and dollars are at odds with each other.

I don’t have any writing, managing or really, editing experience. However, I’d clean the toilets if it meant I got to hang out with you guys. Also, I would arrive with whiskey/bourbon and keep it coming. Any interest?

I have seen 20% off of SS models as well. But that’s pretty damn rare. Also, why save yourself from yourself? Indulge, I say. But I’m also in debt up to my eyeballs. And still having fun. But madly in debt.

Highly recommend the Camaro. I grabbed one for about 7K off sticker with a 20% off deal and some concession from the dealer. Here are my impressions. I bought the tubo 4 with the auto. Great combination.

I can get behind that logic. Thank you for the post. Sometimes we need a little direction. I still stand by my opinions based on my experiences and my education but will allow in the future for there to be a higher reason. You’re right, those images are powerful and are a major reason why things have changed for the

Thank you for the well thought out responsive argument. Your opinion is noted.

Agreed. And I agree that would be a difficult argument to make. We all see things differently. I get that. But at best it’s in poor taste, at worst it’s a massive invasion of privacy that’s unnecessary and disrespectful.

I’ve said this over and over again, however, I’ll repeat it. Just because you have photos of the crash site that show deceased people, doesn’t mean you should post them for the whole world to see. It is disrespectful to not only the victims but also their families. I don’t mind posting the crash site, however, please

The Camaro’s better executed, cleaner, more natural light cousin. That won’t be built.

So, let me get this right, when they made the decision to drastically reduce the number of ships to be built NO ONE saw this coming? So, now it’s going to be incredibly expensive. Could it have been less of a blow earlier in the design/build process? I would like to think so.

Wait, when did you buy a 2016!?! How did I miss this? Congrats!

Yes and I feel like it too! Though after almost a week with it, 8' really getting used to it!

Coffee ok, bushes and street signs better.

I’m a millenial I guess and I just picked this up two days ago: