
I can’t agree with this more than I do. It’s an offensive blob. I didn’t even know blobs could be offensive until I saw this thing.

Meh, I get it. I would have done similary. Well played sir.

Yeah. Still creepy.

Do you actually believe you’re helpful?

Look, I can’t comment on their mental health because I do not know them personally, I only know that you could not get me that close to a giant spider looking thing. Nope.

But that doesn’t help why it exists? I mean, I already assumed crabs were the spiders of the seas but to actually look like one and be THAT big. All aboard that nope train.

I don’t know what that is, but I would have been much better off not knowing it exists.

I didn’t say it was the “same” I said that a Chevrolet dealer has most, if not all the tools and knowledge necessary to service the Cadillac. Now, will they wipe your ass and kiss it too? Not likely. But in a pinch it will still get your car fixed and back on the road.

All this.

I’ll agree with that. Really, I will be interested how this shakes out. Should be interesting to watch!

If that became the case, I would start a Cadillac death watch. I think it would be a huge mistake for them to disallow service of their vehicles (mostly platform mates of other cars anyway) at established dealer networks that people are not only used to using but also comfortable with it.

I had a similar problem with a Saturn Astra for predictable reasons. However, there were still many certified Saturn dealers. Most dealers at the time of closure in the GM network did not work on Saturns which presented a problem. I can’t speak for other marks but the GM portfolio has a lot of redundancies with

I had a similar problem with a Saturn Astra for predictable reasons. However, there were still many certified Saturn dealers. Most dealers at the time of closure in the GM network did not work on Saturns which presented a problem. Even in my podunk little town Chevrolet store we service all GM brands. I can’t speak

Also don’t forget that even with a closure of numerous Cadillac stores, the Chevrolet, Buick/GMC stores will still be able to service the Cadillacs. It won’t be ideal but the network will still be there to support.

You said you hadn’t realized they were in the picture. I just feel like an explanation like that isn’t necessary. I have seen a lot of media over the years remove them (or any mention of them) from their material. I don’t know. Just don’t want people to forget what happened. Or to forget about those towers themselves

We can’t (and shouldn’t) erase them or the memory of what happened. They were there. Something bad did happen.

I still have an antique fire truck for you to drive. Just sayin.

Right. So, no revenue generation while also stealing page views and creating it’s own worthy content makes it a prime target. It all comes down to legalities and money. Sadly. I’m trying to stay positive. It’s certainly not working. But I do appreciate you taking the time to speak.

What MtrRider said.

That sounds terrifying. We are innocent as you are. Well, most of us. I like Jalopnik but the Gawker Management seems to be in crisis mode. Again, I hope for the best for you. I know you’ll land on your feet and succeed!