
I kind of wish he had a super heavy Minnesotan accent, and I also kind of wish when he killed Theon he would have looked right at the camera and had asked: “Cold enough for ya?”.

“White Walkers HATE her! This one neat dagger trick will end the Long Night”

Ghost’s gettin’ a spinoff!

Of course Oakland has the toughest schedule, they have sixteen road games. 


They definitely hadn’t quite figured out his hair/beard. The too-blonde eyebrows are particularly distracting.

I still think the first Thor was underrated. It was funny, but also a little operatic with that Ken Branagh vibe, it brought the stakes down to one small town in New Mexico... good stuff all around.

Why didn’t anyone ask Lydia “hey, what do your people do when it’s COLD AS FUCK?” It would seem pretty ridiculous for the Whisperers to be walking around on guard duty in the polar vortex - it’s not like zombie skins are significantly better insulation than normal winter clothes, right? For that matter, it seems

Snow is a great insulator so I can just about buy that zombies under a layer of snow would stay functional longer than ones standing up in the open (let’s face it: there’s going to be a temperature below which all zombies freeze, and one above which all zombies are fine, and anywhere in the middle you’re going to have

It could have happened concurrently.

They were leaning a little TOO hard into “show don’t tell” on that Alpha scene. It was supposed to indicate that the Whisperers had left the area and gone someplace warmer* (and I could swear Beta did have a really vague line about “when you get back” or something like that) but we’d have to trust the show not to just

It’s nice to know that even in the zombie apocalypse, the South still completely loses its shit in a snowstorm.

Icicle to the eye reminded me of Die Hard 2 when one dude was killed that way McClain.

A few days after a friend helped me move out of an apartment with a terrible roommate, they told me they’d pissed in my roommate’s shampoo right before we left. They seemed pretty pleased with their decision.

we said to just pay the tickets, it’ll be fine

“I didn’t get out of bed but I at least sat up and sat there.”

There is a word for people like you.

Cousin Eddie:  The College Years