
I get so insanely excited for every little morsel of info for next season. Its becoming a problem.

Ann Coulter is NOT a cunt. She lacks the depth and warmth.

Gross, that is an insult to cunts everywhere.

I don't really ever use this word, but Ann Coulter is the one person on earth who I will gleefully call a cunt without remorse.

My god, that is like the Inception of headlines.

As a rape survivor:

Jewish people make up 0.459% of the UK population.

I feel like this is a cop-out. I mean, you could say the same thing about Middle Earth. "Oh, sure. There were tons of LGBT characters. You just never see them!"

He did not explain what a backhanded compliment was to me. What he did was explain that black people are often told that they are bad at English. If you had said 'it's a common misconception that black people are illiterate' then I would have been like, oh that explains the vitriol, cool, thanks for explaining.

I think you'll find the "Good White Person" of this essay is much like the "Nice Guy". The "Good White Person" is trying to take over the narrative and get credit for their good whiteness, rather than support those whose narrative it is. Those who are decent human beings with white skin can be appalled and disgusted

I know what a backhanded compliment is. Now it's you who is being an ass. I don't understand why saying 'this writer has a masterful use of the english language' is backhanded. That's like saying that telling Aaron Rodgers he's a really good at leading his team implies that most quarterbacks are horrible.

"Nice diction" is not unexpected in a black person. It is, however, unexpected in a Gawker media blog post. I think Mini is pointing out the same thing I feel, in that this piece stands above just about everything else written on this site and should be praised for doing so.

If if you've ever read any of the other essays Gawker posts, you'd realize why his choice of words was used. In the context of gawker, complimenting an author's diction is just complimenting the author's diction.

and yet, that's an ASSUMPTION on your part. You don't know that this person isn't expressing empathy from an altruistic place. You are assuming that. That's not a place to start a discussion from.

Thanks, everyone, for chiming in—even (and perhaps especially) to those who are giving me my lumps.

Thank you for sharing that point; it's a great one. I'm going to keep Ms. Bennett's piece and share it with my students this spring.

Oh. Well I usually read the usually terrible Saturday Essays on Gawker. So this composition is an excellent break from the norm. This piece is excellent.