
I know I've said this on a similar topic, but I can't repeat it enough times: 90s DareDevil is a damned embarrassment.

OK. I am honestly seriously surprised we've gotten this far and no one has mentioned Jean-Paul's Batman outfit from Knightfall. Leg pouches? Check. Gratuitous spikes? Check. Weird color choices? Check and check.

If you're going to delve into character redesigns rather than mere costume redesigns, I think this one was worse.

Meet Hornblower, he was a member of the Teen Titans. And yes, this was his costume.


Even teenage boy me was like "nope"

Just going to make the point having now read both articles, Berlatzky's dig was how the show deals with men when it does, NOT with the ratio of representation of the show. Most of the article is dedicated to it or specifically the systemic injustice that occurs within the criminal justice system. The

I don't agree with his decision to make his point using OITNB, but I also think the rage in response to the article is REALLY misplaced.

Why is he "on the hook" in the first place? He's making points here about our gendered understanding of victimization in prisons and the legal system, a very real issue for millions of mostly-not-white men in the US. I don't think it was the best idea to make this point using OITNB but a whole shitload of people are

Maybe you should use your curiousity to actually look... Berlatsky is a feminist, and he writes about feminism and women in the media all the time.

Are any of them Windsor McCay? No? I'll pass.

This is how I feel when I watch Bay's Transformer movies. Honestly I can just feel my brain cells dying from witnessing o many explosions, misogyny, racism, and awful dialog. And don't even get me started on how everyone looks so orange that they might as well be in a Cheetos commercial!

Obviously this system should be done using in-car HUDs, not with a far more expensive road pavement.

Bowling is a college sport?

There's a college world series?

Doesn't every team need a batboy?


haha shut up you dumb shiteating nerd

You're one person. One example doesn't trump the argument being made.