It’s the early 2000s, and I’m working at a bar across the street from the convention center where Comic-Con is held.…
It’s the early 2000s, and I’m working at a bar across the street from the convention center where Comic-Con is held.…
I said this upthread, but it sure seems like she’s involved with one of those people who constantly complains that their ex is a bitch, is brainwashing the kids, etc.
Right? It’s like the ultimate gaslighting. You can’t possibly have independent thoughts! Someone must be telling you to hate your other parent because in literally every non-divorced household all the children get along swimmingly with both parents all of the time!
Is she fucking the father? That's the only theory I can come up with for why this vile moron seems more concerned about the father getting what he wants instead of what's best for the kids. Judges like her are evil. That sounds hyperbolic but until you've dealt with a judge or a police officer or any person with…
Plus! Plus! If you read through the actual transcript, all three of these kids seem incredibly brave and willing to stand up to the judge (WHO IS SUCH A FUCKING BULLY IT’S UNREAL) and to their dad, who is just standing there, not doing shit. At one point, after the 15-year-old is taken away, the 9- and 10-year-olds…
I’m a family law attorney, and my office has been up in arms about this all week.
Now we’re incarcerating children because of their parents’ behavior? WTF is this world that I am living in?
Anyone who defended cookie dough ice cream doesn’t get to mock the egg beater story. Those monsters are you.
That’s kinda... morally wrong. This guy sounds like he’s kind of a jerk. Seriously, who just does that? In any industry?
folks are cleverly infecting anti-vaccination activists with computer viruses embedded in photos and links.
Hey, I worked as an investigative journalist trying to get information on the Fairfax Country Police Department’s history of violence a few months ago following the Geer case, and got a first hand experience of how insane Virginia’s FOIA laws are when it comes to requesting information regarding police activities…
With white people bending over backwards to make excuses for a dude that literally said he killed black people because he was a racist, we have a looong way to go.
the faux professionalism in the phrase “push-up bras encouraged” = forever vom
Road trip to South Carolina to fucking shimmy up that flag pole to shit on that fucking flag and then fucking burn it and then fucking throw it in that dumb fucking Governor’s face.
HELLO, if he’s a Nice Guy he won’t do it. Duh. That’s why you should appreciate a Nice Guy, you superficial slut. They can use their fedoras as chinese stars if anyone threatens your safety.
So, enlighten us, MRAs: How are women supposed to know which of you fucks will pull this on them or not?
White people acoustic covers of trendy rap songs is worse than ISIS.
Also, hearing this dipshit covering “Trap Queen” is as close to death as you can come without having it turned into a Christian Film.