
You're so right! We should stop letting all of these rape survivors consult on the matter, because they are clearly drowning out the opinions of men who have no first-hand knowledge or experience with it.

"Pardon my apparently stupid question"

Just stop typing if you're going to begin with that.

"DNA found in her hair, on her tank-top, and on an anal swab matched that of Lueke's, despite the fact that he'd said there was no physical contact between him and the victim. After his arrest, he changed his story, telling police they'd had consensual sex."

I'll just quote doggiehowser because he or she seems to be the only one to get it and there isn't much more to add.

Takeaways from your comment: (1) You are repulsive.

For anyone who still doesn't understand the term, this comment is a perfect example of victim blaming.

All he did was rape somebody, after all. It's not like he threw an interception or something.

The young woman didn't allege rape or sexual assault, so it's not really clear what you're talking about.

Prior sexual encounters do not give a person the right to your body drunk or sober.

When a woman shows up at a hospital completely fucked up on booze/drugs, in an apparent state of disheveled dress, and with no memory of what happened, it's pretty reasonable procedure for the doctors to run a rape kit and call the police.

Fuck off.

I like this guy. I like him a lot. Derek values his education and his floormates' study capabilities more than he values people screaming because some dudes threw a ball into a hoop, and he's not afraid to stand up and tell the world, despite the fact that most people value sportsballs going into hoops above all else.

Why did it take so long for the police department to investigate the accusation? It makes me sick to think how many cases are left unaddressed or not reported. Shame on the culture that we have created, which supports athletes and their vile behavior, rather than providing support for survivors.

Three percent of rapists ever see the inside of a jail cell. The number of "unfounded" rape allegations in the US is somewhere between two and eight percent. That means at least 92% of all allegations are true, so no, people do not frequently lie about being sexually assaulted. If you're relying on the legal system to

Except there was no justice. What college student has an attorney? Why not kick him out once he refused to answer questions? They can't force him to cooperate, but they can certainly make it a condition of being a student there.

So two of the key witnesses involved are being charged with conduct violations in relation to "the incident", wherein that "incident" is apparently considered not to have been "an incident" as far as the star quarterback was concerned.

OF COURSE it didn't happen until after the championship. Fuck him, fuck the university, and fuck everything about this.

False. Calling lawyers "scum" is a statement of opinion based on their character.

ENOUGH about how people who work in advertising are not real writers. I'm an art director and my copywriter is most certainly a very talented writer. A real one. As are all the other writers around here.

So Asians are supposed to be less upset because white people continue to use a white slur for another group that cannot undo its effects? I hope you realize both terms originated with white people.