
Yuri games are vastly less available than yaoi games. They also tend to be written by women for women, not to cater to the male gaze. It is very easy generally to tell which “yuri” games are marketed towards men, and Kindred Spirits is not one of them. Your insistence that this is a hypersexualized game geared towards

Are you telling me that developers and publishers are intentionally producing games that people want to buy? Wow, that’s awful. They really need to get on the ball and start making games that their audience aren’t interested in.

Gamers don’t buy those games because they’re not easily available. Make Yaio games available and more Yaoi readers will start buying those games. I mean logic like this is why the comic book industry thinks that women aren’t interested in comics.

When will they learn what?

That guys like boobs? Think they got that lesson.

The only people who complain about this are feminists. I mean, as a Christian I don’t really care for it because, morals and modesty, but I also have a lot of other more important things to worry about besides video game boobs.

Also, isn’t this

“I don’t like it, so no one should like it. - Learn my way! The correct way!”

The “before” pictures above are from SF4, and therefore her breast size looks smaller. If you google “SF5 cammy” you can clearly see that her breast size has not been increased at all.

And I just won a free Xbox!

And you’re so attractive because you make $400 a day working from home!

I too poured through the list and found that my ex-wife’s email address (not her primary address, but the one she used to contact her side piece) was used to start an account. I don’t think she ever did more than that with AM though, on the list of paid users from Alabama, she didn’t show up on it.

Thank god there are still hot singles in my area that want to fuck me now.

Molesting children and distributing child porn AS A MALE...5 to 12 yrs.

I don’t know why everyone’s going gaga over this. The sharpening filter is an easy cheat to make everything sort of crisp, it’s a big part of what people complained CD Projekt had taken out of The Witcher 3, and this guy’s laying it on in spades. Otherwise, he seems to have clamped the brightness at around 60% which

Damned if you do damned if you don’t.

I can see icing a game series based on negative media and fan feedback for sure. Seems like that’s a really good reason to ice a series. It’s unfortunate that feedback has been what it has been, especially if they’re telling the god’s honest truth about why the game ended up shorter than expected.

You’re going to get the internet’s wrath no matter what you do. Just put out what you want and hope for the best.

I would, but it appears you’ve already given up.

And yet, I can’t believe they keep f*cking up Hitman. It’s supposed to be just a simple slow moving assassination thriller -story. Not a action schlock. That’s it.

I thought Pixels was fine too being a box office bomb and critical pariah but no one believes me.

Or maybe they’re thinking for themselves?

“So when you have Hollywood folks tackling nerdy genre game stories, they’re specifically handling that subject matter the same way they would any with any other nerdy genre property with a fanbase of marginal size”