
Actually, it only took 18 years for the Jedi to become myth.

The people of the SW universe have very short memories. It only takes 40 years for the Jedi Order to go from galaxy-wide renowned peace keepers who lead the Republic Military to becoming nothing more than an old myth practicing an obscure religion and some hand-waving hokus pokus.

Do not mock the old EU.

the fiscally responsible veteran (Army) in me thinks it’s a huge fucking waste of money

My problem with the systems locked to a region by default is that I live in America and want one of the smaller new 3dses.

If I ever get a new 3ds, I plan on doing this just for breaking the region lock. For the past decade, I had been buying the Medabot games that released on the GBA and the DS, since for the most part they haven’t localized any except for like... two (Excluding versions). And I wanted to buy the ones that released for

And this is the breakdown on the Red Ash anime Kickstarter. So yeah, initial fees. Then payment processing. And operational costs because someone has to put the time into the actual campaign. I can’t speak to the accuracy or anything of these percentages, or how each bit breaks down into specific expenditures, but I’m

Another negative article about Compcept. Exactly how much is CapCom paying you to write these hit pieces. (Okay, tinfoil hat off).

Ok. I get that the Red Ash game Kickstarter was a damn train wreck and soured lots of people. But the animation Kickstarter went fine, and hit it’s goal. They even bothered reworking things and managed to make the base goal achieve more content than where they started. So I’m not sure why this article and the other I

Ever since some bugger made $60,000 in a few days to eat $2 potato salad, its hard for a struggling/starving artist/rich artist/any human ever to put 2 years of effort and pour their heart, soul, and existence into a project to walk away with the same amount of money.

Thanks for speaking up, I (and I’m sure a lot of other people like this) try to say much on controversial subjects where the popular opinion is just assumed the correct one. One thing I’d admit, is it would take a lot of evidence to convince me of real UFOs. That said though I rather remain in the “sure it’s possible

give us one piece of scientifically verifiable evidence. Evidence that holds up to scrutiny that proves being from another planet have not visited.

They came here, did not shared any tech and prevented us from destroying a beautiful planet.... that seems also legit...

yes and being ignorant of the facts doesn’t keep the stink of not knowing what you’re talking about off you either. The Nuclear missile shutdown at Malmstrom AFB is one of the most documented UFO/Nuclear Silo interactions out there. Not only is there testimony from both the crew in the bunker (actually selected b/c

stop insulting HORSES!!!! There there pretty horsey.........

They clearly saw our species potential, yet foresaw our inevitable self-destruction, and simply didn’t want is to waste it. How dare you joke about our extraterrestrial benefactors. Without them, we would surely have blown our selves up by now. It’s all quite logical and sane, I assure you.

That must be why the only two non-soccer titles they have left are about paranoia, gloom, fear, terror.

I still don’t like the beard. It’s such an obvious pastiche to Alec Guiness, that it looks like Luke trying to be Obi-Wan instead of an older Luke.

then change it to “Man speaks his mind and gets fired by Nintendo due to bullshit NPA”

Did you not play Halo Wars? It was done well.