
“That’s due to the TVs themselves. It is only recently that TVs cheaper than $1,000 could play back content at faster frame rates like 60fps or 120fps.”

“Reports are suggesting the Switch will barely churn out 1080p graphics to a TV, and Nintendo has confirmed at least one game won’t even handle that relatively rote spec. Meanwhile, Sony and Microsoft are so eager to please future-looking consumers that both companies have released console refreshes specifically

If this was a predictable by the numbers action flick. Then The Farce Awakens was a trainwreck in comparison. Because Rogue One was eons better in every possible way than that travesty.

Now if only we could get more legends figures! Marvel has a legends series of memorabilia, why not Star Wars?

So would it be equality if all of the stuff aimed at females was instead taken straight out of the visual and character tropes of romance media aimed at women?

But don’t you know, apparently nude men or shirtless and buff men =/= the same thing as it does for female characters aimed at male players?

Because apparently, all men want to be those male characters and it’s secretly aimed at them too, as a power fantasy.

This is sarcasm btw. I’ve never once identified as a male

Everyone has breasts and genitals, everyone has sexual thoughts and desires. Society should get over it, and i’m all for equal opportunity pandering to both sexes.

You don’t need a remaster of Parappa 2. You just need one like the PS4 emulated release, but running at very high resolution with actual texture filtering and textures replaced with higher res ones. It’s that simple.

What about sensless violence that has no purpose and exists for the sake of violence? So much could be achieved without excessive violence.

It’s so weird that sex and rape is where people draw the line

Vocal minority complaining on the interweb =/= the voice of every fan.

And those people aren’t the ones who should be playing Dead Rising then. They should be playing every other generic OW Zombie game. Which is exactly what DR4 has become.

PS1 era games aren’t any longer fun to play? Oh so you are one of THOSE people huh?

Just like having everything handed to you with no effort to earn it.

Time limits don’t ruin anything when it’s designed around it to make you choose what and when to do what. It also makes the game incredibly replayable.

That defines just about any generic open world zombie game though.
Not Dead Rising.

Congratulations, now you know who they were pandering to with this game.

Where as the rest of us..

And we could all see this coming a mile away. Including the VA change. It was painfully obvious they wanted to broaden the appeal as much as possible.

That’s a relative argument though. Because many of those games may have actual merit. You can’t dismiss them for arbitrary reasons.

And this is one of the biggest reasons why the Music Industry the world over is cancerous.

Oh, another one of “those” guys. Who thinks they can regrade movies and ignore the intent behind the palette choices.

Only thing worse than that, are the rabid OT Star Wars fans obsessed over making the OT look like their rose tinted memories.

The problem with your line of thinking is basically that you are whitewashing it to fit to something the source material is not supposed to be.

If you want something that fits that bill, then something new needs to be made.
it’s not hard.