I’m perfectly fine with the fact this guy doesn’t have to live a nonstop life of demanding production and no enjoyment of anything else and barely any sleep. As long as it’s not outright cancelled.
I’m perfectly fine with the fact this guy doesn’t have to live a nonstop life of demanding production and no enjoyment of anything else and barely any sleep. As long as it’s not outright cancelled.
Pffft that was the BEST part of Doom 3's Game Design. Without it , it’s not the same.
I was always under the impression Good King Mog sounded more like
a combination of a few silly songs from the earlier FF games including one of Mog’s themes.
Interesting. Is it a ripoff? Personally I say no.
“who simply believe that respectful translations need to be more literal.”
They don’t need to be more literal, they need to keep things in line with the intended meanings and personalities without going overboard.
These fan translations, are TOO literal. The dialogue is awkward and has no natural flow or nuance of…
“skirmishes about the cultural differences about sex and gender between the East and West?”
There is no difference other than people in the west are a bunch of hypocritical , politically correct idiots.
Quantity of Time Spent =/= Quality of Product.
Battlefront is valid simply on the basis it has several pre-existing games that cost less and have more content.
And thanks to that reactive thinking we still get to play two great games. I’m not going to argue over whether TWW or TP is better. They are both great. Arguably though, TWW got a slightly better HD treatment :P
So much worthless PC culture today.
The problem here is that 343 has to try and please all the old Halo fans who really aren’t into the story or characters at all. So the resulting Story mode Story is really a hollow shell of how it could or should be. And so once again the supplementary material has to pick up the slack once more.
Halo:Reach is the…
18$ is NOT too much. You fucking people qualify game experiences by your quantity of time with them. That’s not how it should work.
Quality>Quantity, and 18$ is MORE than fair for such an experience.
I’m pretty sick of all the open world, bloated, filler Quantity>Quality games out there personally.
Hm. Games don’t cause violence that’s for sure. But the social setting of anonymous online violent games I think causes and allows people to behave differently than normal. And for kids, monkey see monkey do.
When I was a kid, if we acted like Kids do sometimes playing online games, we’d be in big doo doo.
More like when you had 5 inch thick rose tinted glasses strapped to your face.
It’s about artistic integrity of the game and those who made it. They shouldn’t be silenced and removed because they think it will offend someone.
It goes far beyond Localization changes when it’s more than just changing text. Or would you call Ace Combat 3's massive removal of content an acceptable localization change?
It’s not a change when it’s removed content of the game to be pollicitcally correct and oversensitive to people who would get butthurt that were never going to play it anyway.
Yes, let’s just keep letting Big Brother decide what is and what isn’t OK for our fragile barbarian western minds.
If something as dumb as this would’ve made someone uncomfortable and not want to play the game. That would’ve been THEIR fault.
Man, i’d kill for a new King’s Field.
Or a PS4 release of the PS2 one so more can enjoy it.
3 people ported Valkyria Chronicles to PC.
I think it was a similar amount with Typing of the dead overkill.
There is also Way of The Samurai 4, Mugen Souls,etc.