
“It was great scene (well, compared to the rest of the movie”

You just had to put that in there.
Sod off.

It’s not because you are making a digital COPY of a copy.
Theft involves taking and removing something.
Piracy is not theft. It’s not stealing.
It’s Copyright Infringement. Similar but dissimilar.
You can’t have money and a sale when it never existed. And was NEVER going to exist from a crowd of people who will take it

1. In some countries Internet is dirt cheap. Unlike the US.
2. It doesn’t mean they just now spent 3000$ on a top of line PC.
You can’t pretend to assume or know the circumstances of these people.

They were never intending on buying it. You can’t lose sales and money that never existed.

How is this ANY different than buying games 2nd hand over the last 30 years? The creators never get any money.

“We send the photos as a reminder for them to have respect for women,”

Right... because selling yourself in the most vein and superficial,least respectful manner possible. Modeling, which equates almost to nothing more than you being an object of not so wholesome desires;while simultaneously continuing to sell the

Because they are idiots.

A GTX570, a weaker GPU than is in the PS4 could run VC on PC at 3200x1800 w/FXAA at 30FPS and still only use between 30-40% of the GPU.

VC Remaster doesn’t seem like much extra care is being given.More like just a straight port than a remaster. The cutscene sequences shown are still the same low 720p resolution without any AA as the PS3 version.

Universal Acclaim? ahahahahahahahahahaha Yeah maybe if you are brain dead and wearing rose tinted glasses.

Normally film critics are only wearing one of those hats.

The upscaled backgrounds, once again are crap.

I think they were estimating like the same for PSVR too.

“Did you want to be able to follow the narrative without having to read a bunch of tie-in books?”

This is because the Halo fanbase is full of idiots and so MSFT/343 create the stories in the games to be catered to these idiots. Anything that wasn’t just non stop shoot everything that moves would alienate them.


“If you do want to play Final Fantasy VI, please don’t get it on PC until Square releases a version with proper art.”

ahahahahahahahah Which will happen. NEVER. Have you seen the effort SE puts in on PC? They literally could not give two cents more than the Japanese Status Quo of doing the bare minimum. Even then when

It’s not JUST the bikini. (As if a 13 year old has never worn a two piece. It’s also assuming the intent is to sexualize which is logic leaping. Because it’s only those who complain about it are the ones thinking it’s about sexualizing.)

But removing the breast slider from creating your own character is a different

Buying second hand does just that. By playing the game and denying them a unique sale. It’s essentially Piracy but legal.

“degrading people”

Degrading who? These aren’t real people. It’s not representative or linked to the real world in any possible way.

“Where the prequels felt sluggish and heavy-handed”

Because they aren’t exactly like the OT like this movie is trying so hard to pander towards in every way possible?

People are too afraid to imagine SW outside of this little bubble view of the universe presented in the OT.

“Nobody needs a 1:1 HD replica of the original Final Fantasy VII. The old one holds up just fine—especially with cheat codes.”

NO ONE NEEDS IT?!?@!? HOW about everyone that has been asking for JUST THIS for almost 20 years?!?!?!?!?

They could’ve EASILY had a team of artists work on the pre-rendered backgrounds to bring them in to high resolution.

Ubisoft has done it. Even Capcom has done it.

YES and they could’ve just as easily used a turn based system like XIII’s but they didn’t. Because that’s not trendy! Real Time is the Trend! STRAIGHT FROM THE HORSES MOUTH.

NO, they aren’t a good compromise.