This is due to TV production deadlines and such, this is VERY common for TV vs BD.
This is due to TV production deadlines and such, this is VERY common for TV vs BD.
I disagree to the Nth degree. They weren't all as amazing as FFVII, but they were ALL GOOD. Even Dirge of Cerberus, the most flawed of them all. Was at it's core still a good enjoyable game with a good story and excellent music.
I disagree. A break dancing cute girl cosplay furry is generic?
Fuck people. If they don't like her. They don't have to play as her. It's not like Tekken is known for having lots of absurdity
That's crap. They could do that just fine. Ship it on 3 BD discs like the original on 3 CDs
I don't know how many times i've said this. But they could easily tackle a FFVII remake ala Etrian Odyssey 1 remake.
Remake mode, classic mode. (Integrate new scenes in both to help flesh out more parts of the story).
Both are rendered in real time in 3D, but how they play and are viewed are different.
==Classic Mode=
I agree. If people didn't bitch about non-interactive cutscenes. They wouldn't add dumb crap like this in the first place!
Which is EXACTLY why developers need to care more about anti-aliasing. And not just be lazy about it. Even if it's not performant, future proofing will go a long way. HQ is not performance free.
This isn't doctored at all. It's simply a 1920x1080 native image downsampled to a lower resolution. This is 100% representative of what the game looks like on the gamepad for example
The biggest aspect of bullshots is Anti Aliasing. High quality anti aliasing that looks exactly like these shots is entirely possible. But it's expensive and thus no one gives a fuck and we get stuck with shitty post-AA. On PC, especially in DX9 getting pixel perfect AA from a myriad of methods is pretty easy. It's…
Doesn't look significantly better graphically. Looks worse than PC version as is.
Strange DX11/DX9 separation. Which I won't mind IF>
They re-insert the ORIGINAL lighting model
Replace the awful SSAO with native HBAO+ support
But based on this footage. Doesn't seem like it will be true. AND They want you to pay for the…
Well, people HAVE to come up with some kind of advantage just based on CS:GO's unpredicable and unrealistic gun spread!
Mecha with environments to correct scale? AW YEAH. Why couldn't this be a SP game damn
This just seems kind of like they ran out of ideas..
I dunno, I mean I love DB, but this is like scraping the bottom of the milk jug. They couldn't think of anything else original. And after the series history, who can fault'em.
Akira Toriyama is good for more than DB you know :(
Oh yeah, it looks good no doubt. But there are a number of issues I hope get fixed by release!
Low detail draw distances. Which results in a lot of immersion breaking pop-in
LoD Changes are far too visible. (These should ideally be set out to a distance and point where it's impossible to tell. But with so much, that's…
". Characters still stand stiffly when talking," And this is the essential killing stone in just about every WRPG in existence. Seriously, how is this still a thing? It kill any kind of immersion I can get out of any of these games. Let alone anything enjoyable.
For games so story heavy you'd think this would matter.…
I like'em both
Well for one, it's lower resolution since it's on the 3DS. :(
But I can live with that, even though I would've preferred a version on the Wii U even if they didn't upgrade the textures or models. 1080p with some AA would be godly smooth.
So, Ubisoft is going the way of EA then eh? GOOD LUCK WITH THAT.
Uplay DRM garbage over Steam is ridiculous. So still screwed eitherway.
FFS why do we need DRM ON TOP OF DRM?
Steam is DRM. Stop treating your customers like crap
Considering it's funded and published by Activision.
No wonder