
Pretty meaningless without a download to the original video file. Youtube compression just about ruins anything and everything when it comes to graphics comparisons.

While this guy's behavior isn't justified (Being frustrated yes),

Self defense? Killing is KILLING regardless of context.

Trying to justify it just makes you look ALL THE MORE like a hypocrite

Amazing how butthurt people are about this, drawing silly moral lines and trying to justify and rationalize murder and killing in any other game.

God damn the audio quality was horrible on that video. No wonder people have a hard time telling what she's saying. Much less making any sense of the song.

Lol Disney Star Wars.

I can't wait , in another 20 years they will probably reboot Star Wars all over again in the name of "Creative Freedom"

No doubt due to shittech5 engine. The textures are pretty low quality overall, game doesn't even have memory intensive Anti Aliasing

Holy fuck, when there are women. (That have absolutely nothing wrong with them) They complain. When they make a game with a primarily female cast. (Again with nothing wrong) they complain. They make a cast with all Men. They complain.

Dafuq is with people.

""The FFXV trailer was all in-game engine, except for the part with the spaceships flying," Tabata said, gesturing towards the large TV. "That was pre-rendered.""

Pretty obvious given the shit ton of aliasing and low res flickering water/car reflections.

Oh my god that's hilarious. OH MIKU

Of course they wouldn't. Because without things like Halo. They really have basically NO exclusive games that aren't Paid $$$ for.

Ugh, I want this on PC so bad. Just want to clean the game up and make it look bullshot quality sooo bad! I may not be able to wait and buy a PS4 for this.

Here's hoping indeed.

I'd rather have a solid 30FPS than that. Something the 360 Halo games never did.

I find that statement insulting quite frankly. As if all of Amano's artwork wasn't super feminine and featured almost entirely the same lankiness in designs and many other quirks of their own such as constant lipstick, pale skin. Take of the nostalgia bias pal.

You can call it stylized/artistic all you want, but it's

Great art.

A FFVII remake really just needs to handle it the way Etrian Odyssey did.

Classic mode. Remake mode.
Both modes have toggleable voice acting, switchable soundtrack (New, original) and character portraits. (Hi-res versions of original portraits, CG portraits, new 2D portraits)

Classic mode doesn't introduce any

You only care about this when Destiny comes out eh?

"but 79 games in 27 years seems like far, far too many."

No, not really. And you can simply not play them either. They only make them because people buy them.

Vote with your wallet!

See, now if only western AAA and western in general (which heavily relies on cross fade dynamic music) could even remotely do it this well.

That was the worst thing about Lords of Shadow, the dynamic music system sucked. Even though the music is awesome

Except games like Doom are incredibly shallow so the point is almost entirely moot.

Epic as in overusing every trope in existence?