
I hope that back story is in the actual game

Too bad the actual story is probably going to be complete crap. It's a MP game afterall. This would've been a good SP game

Bad is subjective. WELCOME TO LIEF

Are you kidding me? Controversial? The Sailor Scouts have ALWAYS been thin and have legs the length of my anus and this keeps the trend and updates the base Shojou design philosophies to the modern day.

What's wrong with it?

People are wrong with it.

And i'm sure it will be an empty lifeless world thanks to open world pandering

30FPS doesn't automatically mean there's going to be latency in any form.

An excuse? Fuck off. I love how people aren't allowed to have different views and opinions.

Thoughtless disdain huh?

Absolutely! This guy gets me totally. I feel the EXACT same way. (Well almost. Never had issues with higher framerates)

I'm 23 and my first PC ran DOS 5.x

Peeps be dumb. /Reggie Shrug

This looks awesome! I wish they could be added as DLC to the PC version or a mod.

If the guy had been White, no one would give a fuck. The guy isn't even black or something.

Imagine all of the PS3/PS4 owners who'd love this. But are totally clueless about kickstarter and don't even know it exists.

Not like they are using that memory. The amount of shitty textures is astounding for PS4 games. Maldo's texture mod for Crysis 2 still beats the tar out of any of this stuff and that's basically a last gen game.

The biggest issue is that it's going to be playstation only. No PC?

Oh, so Coruscant is a real place that can be made without CGI or silly unrealistic looking plastic models? Do tell!

Not like Wolf3D is even remotely a decent game. It's ok for it's time and is one of the first games I ever played. But it's incredibly shallow and just not fun at all.

I couldn't disagree more