
LOL You SERIOUSLY expect us to play this with 10hz?

"Objectively speaking, FF6 is generally regarded as the "best" of the series."

Halo is really the only exclusive franchise they have besides DudeBros of War and Forza Turisnot.


If they hadn't disregarded the EU, Wedge would have more than enough screen time!

So, since a bunch of people in the world are going to be assholes no matter what. That makes it A-OK for people to do so free as they want anywhere including the internet?

"everyone played it a lot" Speak for yourself.

11/10 would buy.

Furries, Furries everywhere.

Now if only the storytelling was even remotely this direct or good in the actual games. This kind of thing should've been a movie intro to HL2 to explain what the heck actually happened instead of lazily throwing some low res newspaper textures here and there where people will easily miss it.

Still better than the the likes of E-Shop, PSN and XBL Marketplace.

These screens tell me that it's Next gen and they STILL suck at making decent textures. 5+GB of RAM man! Come'on!

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare! WOW SUCH ORIGINAL!

I doubt it will die. It may not be the mega mainstream success that one would want. But there's absolutely 0 reason it shouldn't be sustainable.

Not embarrassed about violently beating up and or killing people. But embarrassed to play visual novels/dating sims?

And not a fuck was given. Because Fuck you disney

Which is why it's AMAZING

They never Died. They just stopped trying to pander to old, broken and tried conventions.

Surely you can see ALL the aliasing and low res reflections, Flat trees and low poly/sprite characters right?