
Surely his love of Lame Theft Auto isn't apparent in his conquest for the mega millions!

Because we ALL know that only selling 10+ Million copies of MGS2 and 5+ of MGS4 wasn't enough.


Why don't you ever listen to the people who ENJOYED and liked it for what it was? (For example who didn't have a problem with the fact that Raiden wasn't some COLD emotionless non-human badass character who didn't have reservations, doubts and feelings. Or who didn't have a problem with the

US accounts dont' work because JPN PSN has pretty much every PS1 game. It wouldn't know what to do with the stupidly tiny library we get in the west

Classic Snake? Way to keep perpetuating the confusion that Solid Snake and Big Boss are the same person /rolls eyes

Still would be nice if everything wasn't tied to hardware. Come on Nintendo

Except the majority of games these days are multiplatform and there are very few actual Exclusives. And that is what really makes up the only difference. For all of those other MP games, PC will be superior in performance and IQ. AND will be available cheaper.

OH BOY another game trying focus on decisions that ultimately wont' matter and will end up being another boring game where most of the dialogue consists of the characters standing around looking stupid with a blank expressionless face and a dialogue tree.

I wish for once they'd just focus on delivering a solid well

Now playing

Game: Ace Attorney 4 Apollo Justice
Platform: DS
Song: Trial
Composer: Toshiko Horiyama
Where it Plays: Court Lobby
Why it's Great:

1.) Toshihiko Horiyama is a GENIUS.
2.)It sends chills down my spine more than any other Trial theme in the series, it captures the atmosphere perfectly

Now playing

Game: Metal Gear Ac!D 2
Platform: PSP
Song: Intermission
Composer: Shuichi Kobori
Where it Plays: Mission Select/Intermission
Why it's Great: Because of the amazing unique synthetic yet stealthy and earthy atmosphere it creates. It is unforgettable.

Nothing quite gets you pumped for your next mission quite like this.


Except that it shouldn't require THAT much work to simply FILL in the gaps in the story without contradicting things.

It just makes it lazy.

That is a side non-canon game that is just for FUN.

Entirely self-contained.

Much like Metal Gear Ac!D and Ac!D 2.


Kojima himself has stated that they ARE infact canon

Yes it was. But in it's defense the series was in it's INFANCY then.

Not a well developed and household name like it is today.

Those excuses don't fly today.

What you said is exactly why MGS4 was so AMAZING.

People like to think Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake didn't exist.

But they did, and MGS4 tied the events of those and the entire series together.

It's a METAL GEAR game.

Metal Gear hasn't always been about SOLID.

How can you people be so shallow minded?

Another silly Kojima God Complex.

Kojima has said multiple times that BOTH are canon. They aren't just because he didn't direct them.

Just like Zone of The Enders isn't crap because he didn't direct those either. Only produced them just like Portable Ops and Rising.

Kojima was all about Portable Ops and how "IMPORTANT" it was to the story and that MGS4's Plot couldn't be FINISHED before Portable Ops was.

He said it HIMSELF "Regarding other MGS4 connections, Kojima said about the PSP Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops, " If you change the Ops story, you have to change 4. If you change

Except that PW Does NOT ignore that.

People interpret ONE LINE as saying that it ignore something. Wouldn't you want to put an event like THAT behind you?


Kojima was all about Portable Ops and how "IMPORTANT" it was to the story and that MGS4's Plot couldn't be FINISHED before Portable Ops was.


And ANOTHER bullet to the chest that makes me want to play this game even LESS.

He's simply admitting defeat and basically saying "I'm too lazy, it's too hurd to actually put effort into it!" "Oh Solid Snake should only be 12 years old in 1984? We made a super retcon with omega advanced aging! to age 20 and then slows