

Just because it's on-rails? It has poor animations and character models?

Really? How?

It's lighting, physics and graphical effects are on par with ANYTHING from this generation. The only thing wrong with it are the animations and character models.

People REALLY need to get your eyes checked.


Finally someone who feels as I do. Really the only problem is the lifeless faces and facial animations. It looks quite good I think!

Who the hell is offended by this?!?


What about for Video/Audio storage?

I use external HDDs all the tiem on my PS3 for videos and music.

You sir don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

720p is 921,600 pixels.

1080p is 2,073,600 pixels. 2.25x as many pixels than in 720p. THUS FUGGIN 2 TIMES AS MANY RESOLUTIONS. HURR DURR?


Cod last gen wasn't stable 60FPS. And I doubt it will be this generation either.

Only on PC will you get a stable 60FPS.

How pathetic,BUT HEY. 60FPS and it's like a marginal increase over the sub-720p framebuffers they used on the Xbox 360! (They used stuff like 1152x640 IIRC) Total win!

500$ for a system that can barely handle stuff at 720p60?

What a joke. They seriously expect this to be acceptable and OK for the next 10 years?

My 3+

Hm. Worth it?

Nope. I can do all this fancy cloud saving and multiplayer for free on PC.


Now someone dub over the Japanese Tidus Laugh with it. It's just as INTENTIONALLY horrible.

Uh no. It didn't suck.

IT was amazing. Perfect fit even minus the R2/L2.

Metal Gear without pressure sensitivity for first person aiming and CQC, I can't imagine.

ALSO: Racing games like Gran Turismo. I need to vary MAH PRESSURE for brakes and what not

And yet playing for the multiplayer is a joke because DICE's netcode is awful and they haven't been able to make a balanced weapon set since BC2 which also had horrifically bad netcode

Yes. As if Amano didn't develop in the same way. Except his characters went from slightly feminine looking to more and more feminine looking with each passing year.

Man, those Front Mission ones are fucking fantastic!

Ugh. If only not for that shitty speaker and mono only. Get rid of the 3D cameras for stereo speakers


Yeah, I wish there were more OW games like Shenmue. Shenmue did non-linearity RIGHT imo.

Ugh, I really hope future games aren't open world. Metal Gear has always made incredible freedom within a linear structure that just felt right and worked. All the while often having much optional content if you wanted it. (And it didn't have to be done to get the whole story *Cough* Peace Walker *Cough*)

As much as

It's not Auto-Tuning. It's just REALLY good pitch control and good mixing.