
As good as this guy is. He doesn't really do any arranging in any of his stuff. It's just exact same as the game note for note without any differences.

Not even a proper ending. Just a fade out.

15$ fp? dafuq

I'll take a stable drop free framerate any day.

They don't appeal to everyone. And i've just grown out of Perkermens. Even the old ones, they just feel pointless to play unless you play competitively

Except FFX-2 was Developed AND Published as SQUARESOFT in Japan before the Merger.

/herp stupid butthur fanbois trying to "Hurr game I dun liek or does things that don't align with mah interests! Therefore durrrr"

The writing was great IMO.

The end-plot and resolution was a bit on the bad side but the characterization and character development and how they dealt with circumstance in a human way was bar very few other games some of the best in any game.

Never a one dimensional or copycat or cliche character.


Open world? Meh.

We'll never see a game with such a focused story as XIII ever again thanks to all the bitching and moaning.

Yes, Final Fantasy has always been Totally Open World. And it should be Open World in the future. /Sarcasm

Open world is a horrible trend. Non-linearity done right isn't Open World.
No one need

Except you never had freedom in 99% of FF games.(Aside from FF2,X-2 and part of XII) You were given the illusion of Freedom. Invisible lines, boring generic towns to explore with nothing to actually do or find aside from the occasional treasure chest or secret treasure.

You never had the freedom to do what you wanted

No game can truly give you freedom. There is always linearity, you are given the illusion of freedom.

It's overrated.

What you do between point A and B is what matters. And no game series showcased this better than Metal Gear Solid. Which offered OPTIONS in how you played and got to point B from A.

Which seems to be

For all the non-linearity in early shooters they were incredibly SHALLOW in game design.

Oh boy, hug the walls and find all the secrets! Find the keys! Beat the boss at the end of the episode!

And the stories in those games were non-existant most times as well.

Everything has it's trade offs. I've yet to play an

Lol the faces of the players scream "Derp"

Imagine a movie rendered like this.

I disagree. These really aren't any different. And if anything are more grounded

I don't see the problem.

Looks awesome to me. Haters gonna hate.

Ugh, fucking Sony and their crazy rules.

It's thanks to dumb rules like this that we didn't get a lot of PS1/2 RPGs and even some PS1 RPGs on PSN like BoF III

Normal people? HURRR


Amen brother.

What is wrong with fantasy and having something people LIKE to look at?

I wish people would really get off their moral fucking high horses sometimes when they have problems with Sexualized crap but not violence and murder.

Probably a lot of women.

The buttons are game side. Developers could put in PS buttons if they wanted easily