I haven't had faith in Bethesda ever. They make crap games that have terrible stories and hundreds to thousands of bugs that they are too lazy to QA for and just rely on the mod community to fix for them.
I haven't had faith in Bethesda ever. They make crap games that have terrible stories and hundreds to thousands of bugs that they are too lazy to QA for and just rely on the mod community to fix for them.
Meh, Human Head's version sounded better.
Also: New version needs Anti Aliasing bad.
Luckily shouldn't be too hard to find a working custom bit for SGSSAA :D
Yes, when you REMAKE a game. It should be FAITHFUL to it's source. This is true of any reprise
it's because now they can't have a monopoly and they can't block second hand sales that they feel entitled to the money from.
You don't see other industries crying foul over second hand sales and say that every time someone sells their couch to their friend that they deserve a cut of the money
Opinions and opinions. Microsoft didn't have to listen. Microsoft didn't have to try and screw it's customers over either when there was clear feedback within the company against it.
Well maybe the bread should be AS ADVERTISED instead of skimping on the last inch?
Because factually, it's not a true statement to call it a foot long when it's not 12 inches long.
Still not enough to make me play call of duty.
It's unfortunate you had to be an ignorant xenophobic prick and make yourself feel good about yourself insulting other people for what they like.
Go back to your murder and violence simulators where you can turn a blind eye to your own hypocrisy
Oh Microsoft.
Compete with what? Graphics? Since when do "Graphix" matter to gamers?
Ohwait, they say it doesn't. Except when new consoles come out, if you say you care about them any other time than new console launch then you get condemned for it.
It's meant to differentiate the fact that this is NOT the same Link from the first game. He is a descendant(And obviously younger)
And thus he will have a slightly different personality. The first artwork was familiarize everyone with the fact that this is Link to The Past and then introduce new elements later.
Do you have any idea how much text and work it would be to localize TiTS2?
It's insaneulous.
Not to mention, how poor the sales were for TiTS 1 on the PSP over here?
(And that game had an insane amount of work in it too)
If you want to blame someone. Blame everyone who didn't buy it but should have.
Tis true. But I wish there'd just be articles dedicated to the admiration of the MANY games out there that depict women in the way people supposedly "want" them to. But blatantly ignore.
Queue random misinformed xenophobic comments
I remember when games cost 50-100+$ and they usually only had a few hours of playtime, or even could be beaten in less than 2 or 3 hours. Don't recall anyone crying and bitching back then.
Dead? please.
i'm so sick of all the blinding ignorance. People some how believing that Square and old Final Fantasy was something that it WAS NOT. And that it was somehow some patron saint. WHEN IT WAS NOT.
If they allowed it on PC, then xbox would have no exclusives! Oh noes!
Which is a shame because all these games are in dire need of epic 3-4k resolution with 60FPS and tons of Anti aliasing and AFx16
It's true they will. But the hardware won't be able to do what the hardware isn't capable of. It won't be able to use Real time Global illumination because the hardware can't handle it. PC Can. It won't be able to push the asset and lighting graphical envelope while also having high end super sampling AA.
Just look at…