
I'm not sure how a Core i7 3770k is even REMOTELY equivalent to the Jaguar which is pitifully weak in comparison.

I'd Take HoD2 over the crap pachinko Castlevania games they've been putting out.

Except that Front Mission isn't just about Turn based strategy.


And some western games don't suck?

Don't bother. This guy is a self absorbed hypocritical prick.

We need LESS of people like him in this industry.

How about "Why does the OS take 3-3.5GB?"

Not even windows running steam that can do basically everything the PS4 can doesn't take up that much. And it doesn't even have the benefits of straight to the metal coding/fixed closed platform.

Open world/Non-linear/taking away all the FMVs because of the Shitbox360's DVDs will make the graphics worse.

Lightning isn't or was not a bitch. She was a STRONG willed woman who gave it her all and dealt with things the best she could handle.

One thing constantly overlooked is how realistic and how well developed the cast of FFXIII was, especially the female characters. You have all this constant whining about

Who cares if it has boob jiggling. There are obviously people out there who do enjoy it. It's a piece of fictional material. Fan service is nothing new in video games let alone Final Fantasy(Which, fan service just doesn't mean sexual things)

Good riddance I say.

Can't take criticism?

Is a completely arrogant pretentious asshole?

/could care less.

Can't respect someone who doesn't respect anyone else

Eh, I prefer TP's original art style. Looks good though

2D de-make? No thanks. I like FFVII in 3D.

Actually all they would need to do is re-encode them from the sources. Which they most certainly probably have. Considering they went through all the trouble to completely "remake" them for this "HD" version.

That means they have sources for them that are higher quality, because no one makes low quality compressed

This is fuggin incredible how this was NOT like this DAY 1.

Seriously Konami you fucked this up bad. And you have no one to blame but yourselves for the poor sales and eventual cancellation of ZOE3. Which I am incredibly disappointed about.

What about the FMVs? No fixes for how horribly compressed they were even on

I can turn off my webcam too. I assume no one can spy on me then right?


Just Cause was unintentional apparently

Keep in mind these were JUST the featured sales. There were TONS more on sale that were NOT featured!!

Can you blame people for being upset over unnecessary balance changes that break the balance more than actually balance it out?

Death threats are totally unnecessary too though and very immature.

You can't blame wada for this. This is the new guy's doing ;)

Why is it that ever so-called professional reviewer completely misses the point of this game and treats it as something that it is not.

Ohwait that sounds like how people treated ZombiU as a FPS and said it was turrible...

nothing new here.