
Yup, too bad they are exclusive. They could be REALLY successful on other platforms!

Now if only 3rd parties would give a fuck and develop a game that isn't a port of an existing game.

They went on for years about how the 360 and PS3 were so powerful and were enough to do anything they ever wanted.

Prove it, the Wii U is just as if not slightly more powerful than the PS3/360 (Worst case: On Par).

Oh man come'on! DO WANT.

NAO!!111!!11!! D:

Their big argument for Titanfall is dedicated servers?


""The reality of the situation unfortunately is that there are certain limitations on the 3DS," Sakurai said. The 3DS and Wii U versions of the next Smash Bros will have the same library of characters."

WHAT? Why does the Wii U version have to be limited by what the 3DS is capable of?! Aren't they different games?

Retail will never die for consoles.

Bandwidth caps and wanting to keep downloads on the small side will kill that beast in it's tracks.

If games started being 40+GB downloads, i'm sure there'd be pletny of people complaining about it.

For many like myself, that's nearly HALF my entire months of UP/DOWN combined bandwidth

Not surprising considering how amoral Gearbox is.

That was supposed to be funny?

And yet people are so accepting of Murder but offended by sex, sexual oriented themes or things involving rape or anything else morally questionable.

Standard Hard drive, can't even replace it

Make a new Metroid game. I could do without more Prime.

I disagree 100%.

So glad they decided to tone down the HDR/lighting and whatnot to reach a FANTASTIC looking middle ground

Microsoft's arrogance really has gotten to their head hasn't it?

God damn it. Such a LAME reason :(

And AA5 is DL only. Oh well guess I should just get used to it and used to only seeing AA1-4 and AAI on my shelf.

And there's the poop.

How disappointing. Would've been the Exclusive of the decade

I wish this was coming out on PC. It'd be nice to clean up that Aliasing and make it look like Pure CG! :D

"HDMI cable with every PS4 sold"
It's about damn time! I spent 500$ on my first PS3 in 2008 and it only came with fucking Composite cables! I had to go out and spend an extra 20$ for Component cables(TV at the time was a 1080i TV that only had Component)

Too bad. It seemed interesting.


It's called Caricature