
They are trying really hard to make people not notice that Microsoft will be treating them like criminals.

Guess Asians don't like the truth.

Oh boy! I hope DICE can get their awful netcode and hit detection under control to actually make this a fun game.

It'd be nice to play a DICE game where hitboxes are NOT constantly detaching from the models.

Sutherland's Big Boss voice is actually not that bad. Sounds a little weird at first, but it actually sounds pretty appropriate. Somewhere in between David Hayter and Richard Doyle

343 disappoint? You gotta be fucking kidding after Bungie displayed how little of a fuck they actually give about continuity and story in their games with the disaster that is Halo Reach.

Halo Reach fucked up so much stuff it's not even funny. That game should be outright retconned.

Tessllation and displacement mapping?

At least Big Boss's voice is supposed to change. NOW if when they get to the 1990s (Solid Snake isn't 18 until 1990)again and they reintroduce Solid Snake and they don't bring back Hayter. I'll BE FUGGIN PISSED>

At least with Big Boss it sort of makes sense...as long as they only change the voice for TPP and NOT GROUND ZEROES. Because it would make no fucking sense at all.
(Considering when it takes place. Soon after Peace Walker)

Big Boss's voice is supposed to change, but it shouldn't be all sudden and so incredibly poorly

Big BOSS. Not Solid Snake. Hayter SHOULD be Big Boss for AT LEAST Ground Zeroes. You know considering how soon after Peace Walker it takes place. His voice just wouldn't randomly change.

I WISH it was Richard Doyle but I know they had to get some big hollywood start to try and promote their game's sales as a compromise

Are you retarded? DO YOU EVEN PLAY PC GAMES?

Just another reason not to by the XBone but all the sheep will anyway

Not the new Snake.. THE NEW BIG BOSS.

Does no one pay attention when they play these games?

Just using the word Snake confuses the hell out of people because there have been 4 people with the codename Snake.

Naked Snake. Solid Snake. Solidus Snake and Liquid Snake.

I don't think I like your tone mister. This game looks amazing. It is hilarious and looks just as much fun as every Warioware game.


There is no way in hell you can get me to buy one of these pieces of crap

Will all next gen systems do it?

Way to ignore the Wii U. Which BTW does NOT.

If only more 3rd parties would give a shit after they paraded for years saying the 360 and PS3 were perfect, and good enough to make any game they could ever dream of.

This guy is amazing. I loved this movie still to this day. Sure it's not a great adaptation of Mario. But on it's own alternative universe type of thing it's a fun watch

What's even SADDER. Is that the PS4 could easily have near perfect PS1 and 2 emulation available from DAY 1 if sony wanted. And also offer DD versions as classics to download for a fee if you want.

But noooope. Gonna charge money for a crap quality streaming service with poor video quality that is no where near

My Genesis could play Master System games.

I HATE when people dismiss BC as a non-issue. It's not. It gives you an INSTANT library of games to play on your new system when you are waiting for more games to come out. And it is convient. They are ALL ABOUT CONVIENCE with TV. But games? No fuck that!

They could EASILY

Still using disposable batteries?

Use rechargable ones. Get with the program MSFT.

I hope there is a wired version so I don't have ot deal with it.

Looks even more uncomfortable than the 360 controller and the Xbox S controller combined.

I wonder if the Deadzone won't be terrible this time around