
You really don't know what you are talking about. The PS3 has ALWAYS had removable upgradable HDDs. Want an SSD? you can do it. Want a 2 TB drive? If it exists you can do it.

Except the difference is you can't trade games you already redeemed on your account on Steam. You can only trade stuff in your inventory.


OH MSFT. Trying to please the megapublishers EA and Activision eh?!

You will crash and burn!

Required Online Activation? What if I don't have internet in my room?
This isn't some god damn piracy ridden platform like PC where you can justify things like Steam.

Mario Party is the bomb.

Screw haters!


The Clone Wars proved that they really just don't give a shit about continuity so long as it doesn't involve contradicting the movies.

So it's still early in development and this is probably their first project for Wii U where as on PS3 they had developed MANY games.

So it doesn't have as good of AA and texture filtering AT THE MOMENT.

Weaker than the 360? I beg to differ. Nintendo land and NSMBU looks far better than anything i've seen running on the 360 and they both manage to do it running at 60FPS.

Same thing with Pikmin 3. That game looks just as good if not better than most 360 games AND it will be running at 60FPS.

I remember when developers

I disagree 1000%.

But to each his own

Welcome to most Anime Circa the 2000's.

The amount of generic moeblob, single male surrounded by women who all love him and fanservice crap is annoying.

Oh Japan!

I answered yes to two. So what ?! You gotta problem?

You dont' see me picking a fight with you about the things you like!

If you are offended by this. You need to stop and think for a second. It's a Joke.

Quit complaining and ruining everything for the rest of us.

No. The developers are fine. It's the management people and the ones who run the company who are fucking insane

Oh EA. Always ready to fuck over anyone who isn't bigger than you.

Sure! let's just stop paying people to license ANYTHING from the real world including music.

The only reason EA will get away with this shit is because they are some god damned big mega corporation.

EA continues to show how amoral they are as a company.

Referencing things from real life? Games are from Real life. Not to mention this STATES that they have no intention to change the designs or the names. Believing they have the RIGHT to do so.

How PS4 is winning to the masses:

Nub: "OMG Graphix!, dun block used games,dun require online. Dun have backwards compatibility for anything even though most likely easily possible for PS1/2. I dun care! Teh graphix!"

Come new console launch. This is all anyone cares about. Even mention caring about graphics at any

You are missing out not having both consoles AND a PC.

If it's all to expensive for you. It's called Saving a little money on the side. You should try it sometime.

I buy physical whenever I can. I prefer Physical....buuut. I buy all my games on Amazon pretty much. New most of the time as well

Buying new and used is the customer's power over game companies. Leverage your power wisely my people!

RIP Star Wars games.


Bioware and EA haven't made a single Star Wars game that I liked.

Not looking forward to this at all.

Also: 10$ says they will all be exclusive to crapbox720