
Referencing things from real life? Games are from Real life. Not to mention this STATES that they have no intention to change the designs or the names. Believing they have the RIGHT to do so.

How PS4 is winning to the masses:

Nub: "OMG Graphix!, dun block used games,dun require online. Dun have backwards compatibility for anything even though most likely easily possible for PS1/2. I dun care! Teh graphix!"

Come new console launch. This is all anyone cares about. Even mention caring about graphics at any

You are missing out not having both consoles AND a PC.

If it's all to expensive for you. It's called Saving a little money on the side. You should try it sometime.

I buy physical whenever I can. I prefer Physical....buuut. I buy all my games on Amazon pretty much. New most of the time as well

Buying new and used is the customer's power over game companies. Leverage your power wisely my people!

RIP Star Wars games.


Bioware and EA haven't made a single Star Wars game that I liked.

Not looking forward to this at all.

Also: 10$ says they will all be exclusive to crapbox720

Great point. Personally, I haven't played a single Mothership title that I don't like.

"same JRPG gameplay, same hack-n-slash combat, same anime-styled graphics, same stable of restorative items"


As if all Elder Scrolls games are the same if you speak in broad generalizations.

Same thing with Final Fantasy, God of War, Devil May Cry, or any game series.

No, who cares about consistency! Everything

Yes. But Alcohol is LITERALLY poison. Every time you drink you are killing yourself slowly.

And Alcohol has lead to millions of deaths. Yet no one is saying "BAN ALCOHOL!" ?

Because America already tried that once. Did not work out well.

What about Cars? Cars involuntarily kill thousands every year.

Don't blame the tool

Then don't do it. Others have generations of cultural history within their family with guns.

EXACTLY. Of course don't tell anyone else that. No one likes logic!

It's actually 2 blu-rays. (the entire collection. So you'd have MGS4 on 7 DVDs + compressed FMVs and other data+other discs for other games. The 360's DVD has been the bane of the PS3/360 generation. )

But yeah, complaining about this in 2013 is like complaining why Snake Eater didn't come to Xbox 1 when MGS2 did.


It's no Gundam or Vs or Patlabor,etc . But still very cool looking.

Wii U really doesn't sound any worse than Playstation Vita.

Seriously What the fuck is a Vita?!

He's absolutely right. Length=/= quality.

Just look at all the people who complained that RE6 was "Too long".

No. David Hayter DOES NOT make sense.

Because the new voice actor SOUNDS YOUNGER for 1 in the MGSV/TPP trailer at the end.

2nd, Ground Zeroes starts supposedly very soon like 9 days after Peace Walker. It makes NO sense for his voice to completely change suddenly like that. There is no logical way you can explain his

Conroy can't shift his voice higher to sound younger?

I guess he's too old to do that. At least this change makes sense considering it takes place decades earlier. Unlike Big Boss in Ground Zeroes which takes place supposedly very soon(9days? Kojima said or something) after Peace Walker.

In TPP it makes sense for his

He gets HUGE money and yet they can't afford to keep good employees at companies like Raven?

Fuck you Kotick

Lol Hyping up, more like propaganda by Sony. None of these are 3rd parties.

"What can't we do?" I dunno how about Pressure sensitivity?!
This wouldn't have been a god damn issue if they had simply had anything but non existant backwards compatibility with anything.

No pressure sensitivity is a huge mistake for Racing

Staying True to the series roots and doing the same thing are COMPLETELY different things. Nintendo STRONGLY does the former while trying new things. IF you honestly think Nintendo does nothing but the same thing, you haven't actually been playing ANY of their games.

Just look at RE and FF fans, they all bitch about