
But the dwarf isn't making many people uncomfortable, because men don't get sexually harassed at PAX East. Because male designers don't get mistaken for receptionists. Because male reporters are never asked if they really play video games."


Give me a break. That's the

"Riptide bugs: TURRIBLE"

"Skyrim Bugs: MASTERPIECE!"

I'll NEVER stop using my TV.

Phones and tablets can all die!

Licensing? Sampling?

Since when is having a similar sounding song stealing?

If that was true the music industry would cease to exist because everyone would be suing each other for using the same chord progressions, or instrument templates, or tempo in combination with any of the above.

Riptide-Poor story (Expected) : "Turrible!"
Skyrim-Poor story : "OMG MASTERPIECE!"

It's called Licensing dude. XSEED and Falcom Did it for the PSP Ys games(Minus 7) and LoH VI

If you owned the first, you got this for free. What's not to like?

I love how EA gets a FREE Pass on metacritic with their iterated Sports games that are FAR MORE the exact same thing than this is from it's predecessor. EA also gets a free pass on MC on Sim City since the reviews do not accurately represent the product

Damn, I can't imagine how much that guy probably practiced to get that good!

Here's the thing though. There are small things that cost very little if they had the power that could increase graphical quality to the point where it's not really needed to overhaul things into being realism 101.

Mostly just high res textures ,texture filtering, less LOD issues and Anti Aliasing.

When you play current

It's a fucking video game. See it's people like this that end up ruining everything for the rest of us

No room for B games? Fuck you Ubisoft.

This whole Review and aggregating nonsense is 12 kinds of fucked up.

People and companies trying to manipulate and change shit however they can to get what they want. It's despicable.

This needs to change.

Though I doubt it. The Reviewing system has been heavily flawed and corrupted for years. And I doubt it will change.

You can't seriously compare this to Consoles. Those are almost entirely Custom Hardware with custom OS and the like made to take advantage of Threading.

32-bit applications are only limited to 2GB of RAM usage. So they have to design the games within that limit.

Thank the lawd for Stardock! AMEN!

He let the cat out of the bag, treats customers like morons. Doesn't care about what they need/want.

Gets fired.

Now if only MS saw this as a sign of their forthcoming mistake...

Not buying. Next Xbox is pre-determined failure as MS becomes more pompous, arrogant and could care less about what the Customers want.

Just wait it will shove ads down your throat 24/7 with no way to avoid them. Imagine the money they will make from that...if people bought it.

Arrogance will be his downfall.

MS doesn't give a rats ass about the consumer. They only care about what will make them the most money. And they may succeed too considering all the sheep out there.

Next Xbox will be MS's PS3 to the extreme, complete with blocking used sales to appease the publishing giants Activision

Fuck you Disney! Damn it! >:(

“The big thing [Id] tried to do was not seem like, ‘Here’s a bunch of demons,’”

The problem is, if they ever want to evolve past Doom's Roots, they have to go far beyond that and add more depth to it all like parts of Doom 3(Despite it's issues)

D1&2 were never really games that had a lot of depth. It was basically,

Next gen game: 720p only video.

Seems either:
1.) Is pre-rendered. There is basically no Aliasing. (or runs at 720p with good AA instead of 1080p)
2.) Runs on UE3