
I absolutely understand this. But at the most TPP takes place in 1983/84.
Ground Zeroes is 9 DAYS after Peace Walker.

So don't you think his voice change should be gradual? ONLY RICHARD DOYLE WILL BE ACCEPTABLE! (Since he voices Big Boss in MGS4)

See that's the problem. Ground Zeroes Starts 9 days after Peace Walker. His voice shouldn't just RANDOMLY change. After the coma? Sure that's understandable as a possibility. But in GZ? that's ABSURD

Considering Robert Akin Downes is still playing miller. There is 0 LOGICAL reason for Big Boss's voice to change 9 days after Peace Walker

OK SURE. When the creator just says "Fuck you to consistency" we are supposed to sit by and do nothing?

GTFO of here.

Solid Snake and Big Boss have to be introduced at some point and Big Boss will take him under his wing. Foxhound, Fall of Outer Heaven , Zanzibar Land Disturbance etc.

Why is Robert Akin Downes still playing Miller then huh? You are so full of fucking shit. Why don't you replace Akio Otsuka then and see how Japanese fans feel!


Solid Snake and Big Boss(AKA Naked Snake) are gaming icons. Maybe even an Icon for an entire generation of gamers. These two men are VERY intricate characters born of the same being, but of yet two completely different personalities. Two VERY different people played by the same insanely talented man who can bring the



EXCEPT it's NOT. Because the PS4 doesn't have anywhere near the power of a 680.

Sure you might get this on PS4 but with reduced assets and extreme aliasing. I DARE you to find a single line of aliased pixels in this demo. There are NONE.

If this was a PS4 game there'd be temporal aliasing EVERYWHERE. Just look at the

Yeah we've already got these. Courtesy of MANY amazing artists.

Especially Tsuyoshi Nagano

People always complain games too short. Now they are too long?

I agree. I hate how they are trying to make everything social. I don't want to be bothered and taken out of the experience by others! I just want to play the damn game!

This old trailer huh? Couldn't make a new one? See because you are confusing us now. Others show what looks like Anti-aliasing. But old trailers like this one show graphics that are heavily aliased and suggest 0xAA.

Couldn't bother to re-draw the sprites but you could do the hud? All the while looking WORSE than FREE Fan-high res graphics packs that you can use in already existing open source ports.

LOL. Like this game has updated textures. Yeah, go run this game in like 6x scale in PCSX2 and tell me that the textures look worse than this "HD" version that just has a few model swaps.

It won't look photo real if you can't get Good Anti aliasing. Or decent quality normal maps.(All of which, The Ground Zeroes trailer was lacking. Textures in general were unimpressive)

Nostalgia talking here.

People hated XIII for being linear.(X is even MORE linear than XIII. Despite being able to back track) Yet hate X-2 and it's the ONLY True non-linear open world entry(Complete with multiple endings) in the ENTIRE main series before XIII-2. (They claim that FF has always been "Open world" and "non-linear" and that's

Which is why I do not buy EA games unless they are heavily discounted...Or Used. ;) Or not at all.