
this is inevitable. Even if the Dems win the presidency and the Senate, the GOP will do everything in their power to obstruct the Dems AND unironically bitch about how everything the Dems want to do will raise taxes or worse, explode the deficit. The Dems need to grow a pair and bear down and pass a bill to forgive

I’m sure all our thoughts and prayers are with the coronavirus at this diffcult time.

Give the guy a break, how was he to know Trump would behave exactly like he has virtually every day of the last four years?

I propose the ability to cut off someone’s mic if they keep breaking the rules.

Chris Wallace must be the dumbest man alive if he couldn’t see that this was how Trump was going to act. And screw him if the job sucked. He chose to do it and works for Fox News (for a pretty penny, I’m sure) so he deserves no sympathy.

“For all of the Christians that are questioning my post with my husband’s hand on my boob

Ok, a couple things.

I’m in full support of people taking their shoes off when they go into someone’s home, but have to admit that it’s all fun and games until you go to someone’s house for a baby shower and the Manolo Blahniks you’ve left by the door get stolen by another guest. Then you have to get married to yourself just so you can

We are totally ready to have a female President.

2 women on each others shoulders wearing a trench coat and a fake mustache for prez 2024

I completely understand why she has dropped and I still broken. FUCK this country. This is the smartest, most competent, most capable and genuine candidate in the whole field but the ignorant voters want to keep the status quo and go with another goddamned old white guy. FUCK this country.

The New Mexico State Police and the San Juan District attorney announced they will not file charges against Officer Christensen.

If you believe most cops are good people yet say that they won’t hold their own accountable... then they are not good people. Giving cover to corruption, murder, and more is the opposite of good.

“medical emergency” (read: one of the obese passengers had a heart attack)

Y’all can try, but nothing is going to beat that “Look at me” story from a few years ago. That one fucked me UP.

Trump really needs to be careful though because the some in the GOP will only be quiet for so long.  

Trump has been committing impeachable offenses since before he was even elected. 

Obama’s first campaign was considered legendary, brilliant, by just about everybody in politics, and instead of it being any kind of new standard the Old White Male Brigade is naturally trying to pretend it was a freak occurrence, like a double rainbow, because if they don’t they’ll actually have to put work and

I wish we would shut the fuck up about white working class voters. They’re a lost cause and hell bent on voting against their own self-interest. We’ve had two Democratic Presidents when two consecutive terms without them, yet we’re obsessed with courting those five living Reagan Democrats. Those people will never vote