So, using your platform to snarkily tear down a woman who is using her platform to build others up? Yeah, that’s definitely a move that has you coming out looking good.
So, using your platform to snarkily tear down a woman who is using her platform to build others up? Yeah, that’s definitely a move that has you coming out looking good.
Hazel, what did Jameela ever do to you personally?
Stop it. Stop attacking women for having opinions, speaking out, and trying to make things better. What the hell happened to Jezebel? I’ve been around here for years, and recently the rhetoric has just become so hateful and isolating. This is ridiculous.
How dare this women not check with Hazel Cillis of Jezebel before having her own thoughts about her body AND being thin?
This is the second day in a row that this site has thrown shade - or in this case blatant criticism - at Jameela Jamil. She is one of the few celebrities using their platform to bring attention to how our culture judges women on their size and this site picks her to focus on? Did she kick your puppy?
“has been co-opted recently by women of totally socially-acceptable, skinny shapes and sizes who think the movement is just for anyone who feels good or wants to show off their armpit hair”...You guys know that Jameela has a history of eating disorders since childhood, right? And that she was severely fat-shamed by…
Hazel, have you ever written anything about a woman that didn’t start with hateful sarcastic statements? I don’t see what warrants a post this long and pissy for doing something relatively innocuous. Honestly, are you okay? It's not healthy to be so bitter all the time.
Man, people really can’t win. Jameela Jamil has been saying mostly the right things for a long time, and backs it up by taking celebrities who hawk dangerous ideas and products to task. So she’s not the first to say these things, does that mean she shouldn’t say them? Or that she deserves this snotty recap of her…
“Jameela Jamil, patron saint of reminding the world that we live in a superficial and sexist society as if she were the first to discover that, is taking her “activism” in a slightly different direction.”
Yikes, why all the snark? Jameela makes mistakes and then apologizes and learns. Isn’t that what we want from…
I was thinking just out into the inky black vacuum.
Into space.
Honestly I’m going to be sad to say goodbye of course, but I am very happy that Schur & Co are sticking to their limited timeframe.
Look, HIS KID CAN’T ENJOY STEAK ANYMORE. Labor Day weekend just passed, this is a very hard time for the Turner family. Poor Brock had to eat a hotdog and potato salad while everyone else enjoyed a nice tri-tip.
I’m very happy that she’s coming forward to speak in her own voice.
“Stanford swimmer” is a really strange way to spell “rapist.” Because that’s who you’re talking about, right? Rapist Brock Turner, the rapist, convicted of rape?
Ijeuma is a true force - and for some context - she lives in uber-liberal Seattle. Granted she lives north of the city itself, but it should be a reminder that there is no liberal bastion in this country. We are all this behavior, and as white allies, need to do more than just sit passively by and make her do the…
I hope that, as you “move forward,” you are comforted by the jingling sound of the 30 pieces of silver inside the cupholder of your Maybach.
Charmed and 90210 both sucked without her. I carried on with 90210 for Luke Perry, but even he wasn’t enough. Oh wait I did love Andrea, but they sidelined her pretty hard throughout the run.
I believe that every rumor about Shannen is more or less true, but I’m still Team Shannen/Brenda. She’s the best part of every show she’s in, and they all inevitably get less interesting after she’s fired.
I love her. She was always the best on that show. #TeamBrenda