
“...I have known Donald Trump for 40 years, and while we agree on some issues, we strongly disagree on many others and I have never been bashful about expressing my opinions.... I have been, and will continue to be, an outspoken champion of racial equality, inclusion, diversity, public education and environmental

I’m so angry I’m boycotting all gyms and I refuse to participate in any workouts anywhere at anytime! Good day!

I was flipping through all the recent “apologies” and attempted comebacks in my mind to see if anyone has fit the bill (i.e., answers the question “Is anyting ever enough?”) and Dan Harmon comes to mind — he was a dick professionally to a writer, was called out on it publicly, received backlash for it, and pretty

It truly boggles the mind.

Lena Dunham tried to french kiss an unamused Brad Pitt.

Even though my parents were incredibly religious - I mean hell, my dad is an ordained southern baptist pastor - they *never* once pushed this stuff on me at all. It started gaining traction right when I was moving into my teen years and there was a big emphasis on the True Love Waits thing. But it’s like my parents

Yes, it would have been nice if he had realized this before he wrote his book, however the book was a reflection of part of that culture and someone would have written something similar.

but many hours to binge-watch Veronica Mars.

or Phish every time they come through... 


I went to high school like 10 minutes from Merriweather, and went to a lot of shows there. Columbia is going to regret this. Is there still camping, where will they camp? This will go over poorly.


They’re just now pinning down the venue, and it’s LESS THAN A MONTH AWAY? This does not bode well.

Truer words have never been spoken.

(though technically it’s 11 PM :-/)

Traffic sucks leaving there for normal concerts, can’t imagine what crowds like this will do.

Welcome to the Village of Keep the Noise Down After 10

At risk of doxxing myself, the new venue is in my hometown. This...should be interesting.

I’m just not sure what the hell the security guards here were trying to accomplish. I mean, other than just being racist as fuck. That much is obvious.

This is the correct headline. “White woman convicted of crime she obviously committed. Demands to see manager.”

Children in cages? Silence. People of color murdered by the police? Not a peep. Atrocities committed by our government? No big deal. A fictional character portrayed by something other than a white woman? Burn it all to the ground and salt the fucking earth. This is why I don’t trust the 53% club next November. Give