
I just want to burn it all the fuck down.  

For me, Bernie and Warren are doing the best, policy-wise, but as far as demeanor and presence go...Kamala is fucking badass. She has been impressive, forceful, and commanding in just about every setting I’ve seen her.

Find the toothbrush and bar of soap in this picture. /s

And he still got ~54% of the white woman vote?  Still boggles my mind. 

These women all tell stories of him doing EXACTLY WHAT HE SAYS HE DID.

Honestly, I don’t want a check. I want systems in place so that my grandkids have a fair shot at this. Think of it like this - do you want a one time “spot bonus” at your job that will be gone before the next pay cycle or do you want the opportunity for advancement with real benefits and a pay increase?

I dislike him for the same reason I dislike Beto O’Rourke. He’s just some dude with no qualifications, no notable successes, and no big policy idea, just like, I’m young white and goodlooking for a politician, I could be president, right?

Interesting, but let’s not make the perfect the enemy of the good. If your baby is growing and your sanity is intact, you’re doing it right. 

Later in the letter, Sparks wrote: “Regarding diversity, I’ve now told you half a dozen times that our lack of diversity has NOTHING to do with the school or anyone at the school. It’s not because of what we as a school has or hasn’t done. It has nothing to do with racism or vestiges of Jim Crow. It comes down to 1)

No. This is just a kneejerk reaction by people who don’t understand sexual abuse and sexuality. The shots will make these men impotent and maybe decrease their sex drive, but you don’t need an erection to sexually abuse someone, and not all abuse is about getting off. Some sick bastards are sadists and if their

So the male rapists still get parental rights though, yes?

Even for a politician this is too much. I suspect he’ll start sinking. Saw Symone Sanders trying to explain his flip flop and it was pathetic. I had so much hope for her at one time.

May I add....Help out when you can?

She needed to “provide for her family”?

Loved her in “Winter’s Bone”. Just sayin’.

I have to agree she was great in the Hunger Games and great in Winters Bone. She really needs to go the Reese Witherspoon route and produce her own movies. 

Counterpoint: No, he doesn’t. He’s a genuinely good person who is imperfect, like everyone is, but is actually willing to learn and grow.

If Chad and Jennifer really cared about those kids, they wouldn’t be fighting the Indian Child Welfare Act.  But we all know Chad and Jennifer are all about Chad and Jennifer. Motherfuckers. 

@Chatoyance, I don’t think we should get to wreck people’s cultures and social order and then continue to use that as an excuse to take their kids. It’s safe to say that before white settlers invaded this country, Navaho mothers (and fathers) weren’t doing drugs instead of raising their kids. Thanks to our continued