Even though she has the skills, instincts, & reaction time of the Dora Milaje, she still shouldn’t have had to use them, another point a few of us made earlier today
Even though she has the skills, instincts, & reaction time of the Dora Milaje, she still shouldn’t have had to use them, another point a few of us made earlier today
Yes, will someone tell Uncle Joe to please sit.
Why can’t women just be satisfied with these consolation prizes we gave them!
1. Money. Its an extremely expensive show to produce, despite how susseful it is. They needed to wrap it up.
“I’m going to go now”
“Perhaps it was always predestined that she would become the Mad Queen, but the character development in Seasons 5 and 6 has been so choppy and absurd that Sunday night’s episode felt like a rude fluke.”
I think you’re wrong. If you look at the bags under his eyes and his messy hair, the implication is that he’s been staying up late for two or three whole days, maybe a week to figure out something that has escaped all of the great thinkers of the world since the beginning of science.
“We’ve had three female, African-American mayors in a row. They were all passionate public servants. Two resigned, though,” Bubala said. “Is this a signal that a different kind of leadership is needed to move Baltimore City forward?”
And no one had time to make dragon glass blades for the Dothraki? Cool, y’all. Sure, the guys who have been with Daenerys literally from the beginning are sent into the darkness to be slaughtered.
“Bless your heart” is a polite way to say “go fuck yourself” but other than appealing to the clapback-hungry denizens of Twitter, it doesn’t do anything to drive a conversation forward or put McCain in her place with facts. That said, McCain is a giant, gross troll and if Omar gives her any kind of legitimacy by…
You “don’t think she’d stand for it”??? What does that even mean? It’s not like we have complete control over other peoples’ bodies and I’m also not sure why you would think she wouldn’t stay with him (if that’s what you meant). There is nothing about her that strikes me as some unconventional, radical royal.
I understand, from a logistical production standpoint, why they’d want to dispatch the horses as soon as possible. It’s gotta be dangerous to shoot a nighttime battle sequence with horses in the mix. I just wish they’d come up with a solution that a) isn’t a racist trope and b) doesn’t contradict our existing…
Im sick of these cameos, we need some serious Ghost interraction who is far and away the most charismatic character in the series right not. I would have loved to have seen Sansa and Arya interacting with him as a sign of regaining their old identities after the BoB.
Arya is clearly Batman, but she wouldn’t necessarily make a good ruler. Her sister however...
So? That doesn’t give them the right to Meghan’s body. She hasn’t even been a member of the family for a year. The idea that public support for her husband means that she’s obligated to appear with her child just hours after childbirth because the people demand it is preposterous.
I’m not sorry—Theon is still not invited to my Thanksgiving dinner. He can wait in the goddamn car.
I’m not anti-Ardrey/Genya because I’m uncomfortable about her coming into her own sexuality. I’m anti them because Arya is a badass mothafucker and I just don’t buy that having sex would be a big priority for her character. Between this and the weird possible vibe between Sansa and Theon it feels like GOT is going all…
I thought it a bit weird that they had Sansa greet Theon so warmly.
All the women, at least, Buttigieg, Sanders, O’Rourke, etc. aren’t hurting for attention elsewhere.