He can literally send a man to space, but he can’t shoot a proper horizontal video.
it’s possible that Trump wouldn’t concede until this happened, just to prove a point.
I would LOVE a “skip tomorrow” feature that pops up along with the bedtime reminder. In case tomorrow is a holiday or something.
Fuckin’ OJ, man. Enough already.
Why, in my day all you needed was one Trapper Keeper.
Every freaking highway has some kind of median. Why are we not just building elevated light rail in this space???
No. No feels at all, other than boredom. While we’re on the subject, the internet is not freaking out over any video or photo, ever. Stop writing bullshit clickbait headlines like every other asshat blogger out there.
Teach others your ways.
One word: Foodarackacycle
Drenchit in enough maple syrup and a styrofoam panel will also taste just like real waffles.
“You can hold foods cooked sous-vide at their specified temperature for long periods of time without damaging the texture or quality of the dish,”
“You can hold foods cooked sous-vide at their specified temperature for long periods of time without damaging the…
Runny yolks = heaven.
I gadget the hell out of everything, but do I really need a friggen app for my toothbrush???
I gadget the hell out of everything, but do I really need a friggen app for my toothbrush???
I had to fight my way out of a 6-month old sprint contract in 2015 because coverage was just awful.
Project Fi piggybacks off of T-Mobile and Sprint, so anywhere you can get coverage with those services,
So if I’m reading the fine print correctly, I can get protection for my 3 iPhone 6's for a whopping $30/mo... THEN- If something happens, each of those phones also has a $200 deductible???
I’ve met Dan Clark on several occasions and he is, without a doubt, one of the most self-absorbed douchebags I’ve ever met. I’m fairly certain he masturbates to videos of himself singing.
I take my dog where it's convenient.