Ron Swanson? Is that you?
Ron Swanson? Is that you?
Someone did a pretty shitty job designing that kitchen.
Apparently I'm somewhere between 3 years younger and 12 years younger cuz sometimes I "go all out" and sometimes I "sweat a little."
My city just built a new high school with 70" screens in every classroom. They're connected to the teachers computer and iPad. Every kid gets an iPad. So....... yeah.
I've had this for 3 months now. It actually made me slow down significantly... For about 2 months. Then I got kind of tired of driving 69Mph on the highway.
Still, I like having the crash alert. I really wish it was capable of tracking and reading the make-specific OBD codes. In particular, I'd like to know which tire…
That looks like some kind of plastic frame that it's drilled into. Still, though. Totally agree.
You can't get any more genuine and realistic than Les Stroud. Bear is just a douche. Seriously, build a fire so you don't have to take a bite out of a living fish. So stupid and pointless.
She's been horrible for me since upgrading to 7, also. At LEAST half time time she gives me an error. Since installing the update last night, though, she hasn't been as bad.
It's where I always kept my credit card number on a post-it for quick access. Apparently I don't even need that anymore so.... I guess it's just quick access to a calculator now.
Makes sense. Thanks!
Is there a reason why I would want to go from using one app for texting to two just so I can say I'm using bbm?
This really is for the ridiculously few people who 1) have a smartphone 2) don't have unlimited texting and 3) have enough friends with blackberry that they 4) text enough to make it worth bothering.
You appear to be confusing the word "repurpose" with the non-word "reporpoise," which any zoologist will tell you is definitely not a word.
I never actually looked at the website for it cuz in the app store it didn't look like it did what I need. Apparently it really does. If you use it, do you know if you can turn off the screen or exit the app and still have it continue recording?
I need a voice recorder that allows me to record long conversations and, most importantly, allows me to scan through the playback using precision controls as opposed to the more common "progress bar" style.
Did you also complain about the Mmmbop post? Cuz thats WAAAAY more pointless than this.
After upgrading to iOS 7, about 40% of the time I use Siri shes comes back with "I'm sorry. I can't help you with that right now. Please try in a little while" or some such.
Impossible. You can't fight human nature. You can fool yourself, but you can't fight human nature.
so get started!
"work bed."