
I have a Golden Retriever and about 3/4 wood and 1/4 carpet. I pull this out at least once a day. It makes quick work and still shocks me what it pulls out of the carpet even after one day! I also got the pet grooming attachment (that isn't supposed to be used with this) and it works perfectly.

It's not without it's issues. I find it stupid that I have to hold down the button for it to run. It's like a trigger more than a power switch.

I owned a commercially available one of these years ago that I used when I installed a suspended ceiling. Whatever happened to that thing??

It could use some tweaks to make it awesome but I use it more than once a day... Also, I have a golden retriever.

(raising hand)

I used to work for Famous Maker. They paid me Competitive Salary and I got an office in Major City.

Oh my god you went back six years to reply to that! That's a record. :)
I'm wearing Coastal glasses now.

My steel exterior door has one place where the leaking is clear and thats along the jam where the latch and lock is. You can see sunlight through an area about 8" long. The rest of that side of the jam is sealed. How do I seal just part of the door jam? I tried foam tape but it didn't seem to work well.

Almost 4 months it took!!!

Listen, your only other option is a key shaped car. Choose and perish.

Don't you feel like people start talking to you even before the get to the entrance to your cube?

What are you, a keyboard historian?? :)

Maybe for someone who hasn't already learned QWERTY but there's no way I'm switching.

You commie bastard!

If your cat gets run over then he's certainly not going to have a use for his iPhone anymore.

Jeez I just noticed that! Didn't ios6 do that??? That's just stupid

Serious question- How do you improve on QWERTY?

Who's'a'good'booooooy!!! (I assume)

I figured it out. I entered the wrong iCloud info when I restored.