
I can imagine people trying to use this on counter-strike and rage quitting because it didn't work

1. Shed a tear when Dom died in Gears of War 3.

Ahh PS1, so much nostalgia. Remember buying it with Time Crisis and the g-con. So much fun

Surprised this wasn't made sooner. Glad he's getting the positive attention he deserves now though.

I thought reboot was better than every other single DMC before it.

No one cares about the Wii U. Sub par graphics. No point getting one unless you like Mario. Most multi plat games are garbage on the U as well and you're better off getting them on Xbox 360 or PS3

lol wii U. A few of those are multi plat as well

Maybe they should sort out their greenlight system first.

The thing that I loved about Halo and played it more than any other game was that everyone started on an equal footing. To take that away is to take away Halo's charm.

I was one of these people, received a letter from them the other day.

Halo 4 really sucked, multiplayer wise I mean. I hated what 343 added and took away from the game. Excited to see it in 1080p 60fps if they can manage it!

Don't know about Owen but I got this Star Wars game on launch day..

Don't see why people care so much. People can buy what they want when they have lots of money. That doesn't make them stupid.

You make it sound as if people care about ANY achievement you get. On console or PC.

Well I'm waiting for about a year to get either of these consoles. Launch line up is so weak.

So I have FIFA 14 on pc, is there a patch to update it for free? Or is it full price again?

Sucks to live in America

Don't worry, the rest of the world doesn't care about american football.

South Park thrives on people having a sense of humor

I saw your other post on the article, I don't know how hard it is to click on his youtube channel. I'm pretty sure he's just made a video about the Kotaku post.