
Do people still not realise that this is just a character he made up? You should check out his other videos, he's lost a lot of weight.

Just thinking about this makes me tired.

Hey guys, I really didn't like final fantasy 13 but I've heard that the second one is better. Is it worth sticking through the first one so I can enjoy the second one more? Lightening returns looks pretty cool.

Have you just discovered the internet?

The problem is that this can be done with a fucking application. Any sweaty low life can do it. All you have to know is how to download something from the internet and press go.

This is the pinnacle of internet scum. Probably just some fledgling basement dwellers getting their greasy hands on the low orbit ion cannon for the first time.

Always wondered how Microsoft justifies £40 a year. No dedicated server support and their version of PS+ is awful. Playstation users get Remember Me and Metal Gear Rising next month.

Nope, people in Europe aren't stupid enough to buy a console with next to no good games.

People should get fifa. Always works flawlessly online for me and they've had 11 v 11 player matches for ages. PES is so behind I don't even know why thye bother sometimes.

We have nothing like this in England and I refuse to be someone who imports cereal from another country

It will change everything that we know about console multiplayer games though.. Not many games have done it and if they have, they haven't done it well.

I'm guessing you didn't watch the video then either.

Don't get why you would pre-order a PS4 with a multi-platform game. Each to their own I guess.

so getting this.

You're weird.

click bait

I already got this game and ICO from psn+?

I like the story of Infinite but the gameplay was terrible. Hopefully it's better in this.

Haha just leave him too it, I don't think he knows what he's talking about seeing as he cant answer your question.