
Nice to see Cinema 4D being used well!

Shame CS:GO was pretty much ignore on this website, despite the insane amount of viewers the grand final got!

You speak for the majority of gamers do you? I know loads of people who will be excited for this. Love the first game.

Still refuse to spend any more money on this game. Bungie have changed and not for the better. There’s some things going on there and none of its good. Good bye Destiny.

Think I’ll stick with my G502 for now

Sad that there’s a lack of coverage on here. Guess I’ll have to go elsewhere for that.

Blackhearts bay is my favourite. Mainly because people actually know what to do on that map. I don’t get salty or anything...

Watched this just because Cara Delevingne

Well I was hoping for World at War 2 but I tend to like anything Treyarch do. Looking forward to this!

I'm so excited for all the hightlights of GTA V mods next month!

Did you watch any of the CS:GO finals in Katowice? It was awesome

You're just as bad as the people who take the whole 'master race' thing seriously.

One thing I love about Unreal Engine is that I can block out basic levels using bsp before even opening 3DS Max. Makes things way less time consuming and one of the reasons I don't use Unity. Really excited for UT to come out. Its already really fun!

And now you can make your own because Unreal Engine 4 is free for everyone!

This is stupid now. The mod has turned sub only chat on and is now playing it by himself...

Probably because he has cancer, which is a pretty draining experience from what I'm told.

Always take smokes on CT!

Maybe he just likes the song?