
I hate mmo's and the game play looks incredible. Looks like it takes a degree of skill to dodge enemies which is what's missing for me in a lot of them. I agree with you on the environments though.

If you've bought it from Uplay, it seems to be unlocked and working. Just installing now!

It actually running ok for me with the default settings but as you said, Its unbearable to tinker around with because of the long waits. I'm enjoying what I've played of it so far though!

This is perfect for someone like my Dad who used to play a lot of Ghost Recon back on the original Xbox. Games are just way too fast for him these days. Not sure why people are complaining about this.

Well I still won't be getting an Xbox One if there's no price drop in the UK. Guess I'll just wait until next year!

Is it still cool to hate EA? I think this is good value for money.

Looks great so far, hope it doesn't get shut down.

I've taken to buying games like Watch Dogs and then torrenting them. The only time I use Uplay is if I want to play some multiplayer. Steam is great for the most part but you definitely chose the worst examples of double drm.

I'm so excited for the inevitable Halo 2 return next year. I remember when I was younger they used to show MLG matches on TV in England, next year is going to be great for mlg I think!

You just described Everquest Next. Go check it out!

Does anyone know if they've fixed the overheating issues on PC? I can't seem to find anything on google or the steam forums. Won't be buying it until they've fixed that. Cool game though!

Watch Dogs viral video!

I played Halo 3 online for a good 3 years, it was amazing.

I enjoyed the game and it was easily the best looking game on PS3. The controls were awful though and really made it a struggle to play.

I am glad I live in England.

What's your gpu? Game works well for me.

What a fucking nut job

Think I'll just wait for it to be in a steam sale or something.