
It's still Parkour though because what you are using is an extension of your body. You're using that technology to get around the map quickly and efficiently and propelling yourself using advanced techniques. Whatever tech the soldier is using, isn't automating the movements for him. It's futuristic parkour.

What? Overcoming obstacles quickly and efficiently using your body and your surroundings to propel yourself. Is that not parkour?

Looks like the parkour is very fluid which is the main thing for me. Cant wait to get this on PC! Is it going to be 60 FPS on Xbox One? Will probably get it on there as well at some point.

They don't need to do anything? It's a joke. Gabe isn't the only public figure in the game industry to be turned into a meme.

Why do you care?

Going to wait for this games reviews before I even touch it with a barge pole. 3 was an absolute mess. I want this game to be good so much so hopefully they've learned from the previous game.

Not to start a flame war, but I don't understand the LoL hype. I started playing DOTA 2 a few months back and much preferred it. Is there something I'm missing? I know they are both in the same genre but I just cant seem too get to grips with LoL.

Just upgraded from an i3 and a GTX 250. Everything looks so shiny.

Just tried this and it works! Awesome, gonna replay this now

It was meh at best anyway. Nothing special.

Never read his books but I played all his games. Ghost Recon was my first and then Rainbow Six 3 on xbox. They were the best days of xbox live in my opinion, so thank you for that Tom! R.I.P

I'm just pulling your leg. I actually don't care. It's irrelevant at the end of the day. People will use what they are most comfortable with.

That's the steam team's opinion though. Keyboards are only good for FPS and RTS games and that's about it. Anything else is more enjoyable with a controller.

Yes i am

Obviously I cant argue that it doesn't have the same number of inputs. People can be as good if not better using a controller against keyboard and mouse. Also, where is your proof that controllers restricts game development? Lol.

Every console gamer knows the graphics are inferior, controller choice is personal preference.

It will always be Fifa for me. It just plays better in my opinion. Plus I don't think a single one of my irl friends have owned a version of PES in their life. Football games aren't fun without friends.

Just bought Dark Souls and holy shit it is hard. I'm glad it's not a cheap hard though. It's ok to be punished for being a noob.

I'm sorry that my opinion is 'bullshit' to you. I just felt that the amount of effort they put into Halo Reach was no where near the level of what they put into Halo 2 and 3 post release.

It was because Halo was their only really good exclusive. Should of realised that anything with Bungies name on it would of sold regardless whether it was Halo or not. Silly microsoft.