
I am a huge Halo fan and you're right. Halo Reach was half assed and boring. You could just tell they didn't want to make it lol

Yeaaaaah... they are always model students. Please stop giving Daily Mail attention. worst paper and news website in England.

Do them now. They have no effect on the end game

I've pretty much just started my youtube channel and I'm trying to shy away from lets plays. It's just a hobby for most people so when you see lets plays, they are probably just having fun, don't see why you have a problem with it. That's what subscribers are for. You never have to see a lets play if you don't want

I created my YouTube with the intention of having fun. Never thought I would make any money from it though. I took a partnership too help grow my channel and it's working so far. Only had my channel for 2 months but I've already met lots of like minded people. It's a fun hobby.

Valve world domination begins today.

Wow the iPhone 5s is stupid. I bet the Galaxy S4 could survive a 50 cal.

You're not wrong there, sadly. The community really is awful but I think it's always been awful since party chat was implemented.

It's not THAT bad. Depends what you want out of it. If you want a fun arcade shooter then you will have fun. Not to mention that zombies is pretty fun as well. If you can pick it up cheap then it's worth a go.

Moaning about auto-aim being too easy and moaning about the game being hard with auto-aim off. Rockstar cant win.

People arguing over things that don't even matter.

You should change your name to funkill

PS3 and 360 games will looks so bad on this. Do not want.

Hahahaha seriously? They are the reason Rome 2 is a fucked up mess.

this game is amazing

When I have kids they will play GTA XV before shcool and they will watch a serbian film before they go bed. Parents are pussys.

He's a dick. Just watching the Angry Joe interview with him just says it all.