
You have a crappy computer then. ANYTHING can crash, you just seem to be very unlucky.

So they've done nothing new?

Cant wait for the theme park ride based on this film.

All these noscoping retards need to realise that they don't tune the guns around youtube montage videos. People are getting so angry because they've now made it harder to get a 430 triple spin drop shot from space despite requiring zero skill to do so.

Just buying this for the multiplayer. If it's anything like Chaos Theory's then I will be playing it for a very long time.

Thank god for that. I normally spend quite a bit of money on these cards throughout the year so it's nice to know that when I get a PS4 I won't have to start over.

Watched the total biscuit video for this earlier. Looks like they've taken their inspiration from drying paint.

Haha yeah. I remember that being the only game with a ranking system where the level you had represented your skill. Level 50's who hadn't boosted were pretty non existent!

Fair enough! I think Halo 2 was my favorite for the competitive side of things, was really fun to watch then doing those button combos.

Is this all played on console? Auto-aim seems like a huge crutch and isn't a true show of skill compared to games like counter-strike on the PC.

So you could beat these pro players could you? Not defending the game, but there's an obvious skill gap between the pros and the 9 year olds.

Grabbed red orchestra 2, Skyrim legendary, Shogun 2, Fallout 3:GOTY, Orcs Must Die! 2 and Just Cause 2. Don't think I'll be getting anything else.

Needs more starbucks and Macbooks

Fly to the top of a crane with a jetpack? Probably not.

It should be a perk that makes your gun sway less

Saw like 5 seconds of multiplayer and I'm already hyped for it more than anything!

I bought one of these for my DSLite a long time ago. Had loads of DS games but couldn't be bothered to carry them all about when I went on a long trip. This was so much easier.

It's still the same crap.

They look disgusting. You should never eat McDonald's. Ever.

WHAT IS THAT GAME? It looks awesome.