
Here is how you can get this bundle in the UK. I live in England and it worked perfectly for me.

Here is how you can get this bundle in the UK. I live in England and it worked perfectly for me.

I love The Last Of Us team death match where there's a pool of respawns. Never have I seen such good teamwork used depsite matches being with randoms who don't have microphones.

Thought judgement was the weakest out of all of the gears games. Streamlined the controls but I thought that just made it worse.

What an awesome idea, I could only imagine the suffering people go through in their day to day life so anything like this is welcome.

I did this sort of thing so much at download festival haha

Am I the only one who thought the first Borderlands was better? I don't know what it is. Might be because I rinsed the hell out of the first one and then I bought the second on release and it was pretty much the same thing..

Don't know about anyone else, but I've heard that sort of thing getting injections at the doctors or at the dentist. Lighten up people.

I didn't think of that referance until I read the comments. They use that in films when someone is being murdered among other things. It can be used in so many way, it's rediculous.

Pay £5 too unlock the other half of Darth Mauls lightsaber.

I imagine I would be ok

Seriously considering switching to PC gaming. Microsoft are never going to have sales similar to steam sales because they don't need too. They will control the market.

Won't be getting one. I go away for University in my third year.