I find it mind boggling that a teacher in 2018 would say that Columbus discovered the Americas without mentioning indigenous people
I find it mind boggling that a teacher in 2018 would say that Columbus discovered the Americas without mentioning indigenous people
Please remember that everyone you meet, and everyone you engage with online, is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
Great comment - I agree on the 'stealth' fantasy and SF that gets published as mainstream. Have you read the reviews at the front of later editions of 'The Road'? Lots of mainstream literary critics claiming that 'this book is totally original and amazing, and nothing like it has ever existed before!' As an SF reader,…
Yes and no... May I suggest watching it?
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'Holy Motors' is really not 'farce for the sake of farce'. It is, as one review described it, 'wonderfully weird'. It is complex, interesting, challenging, sometimes funny, sometimes moving - but it is definitely not farce.
'Time-traveling fundamentalists' has been done. See www.viruscomix.com.
I am very worried by this assault, as a potential future wearer of a vision enhancement device. How could I convince people that it was being used for medical purposes, not as a surveillance device? I would love to be an early adopter of something like this, to see what it could do for my vision. The assault, and the…